wouldn't adding another class just water it down even further? I am not even sure they needed to add Class 6 when they did.
Is it watering it down or level the playing field? I mean you are dividing the classes based on the next 64 with no regard to how big the gap may be, not based on actual enrollment sizes. If you lived in a prefect world were the 64 schools in each class were very similar or close too enrollment sizes and not a huge gape, then yes I would say the argument that creating more classes would just be watering it down. But that is not the case, example you have a school of 700 competing against a school of 1273 just because that is where the next 64 fit fall in. And 573 more kids in a affluent area large city probable will have a large impact talent wish over 700 kids from a rural area where over 64% are on reduced lunches.