Why do you constantly degrade people about their education? That guy has a degree or two and has been in education for a long time.
You recently made some comment about ME not furthering my education on my own time when I could have. Number 1 thing is I had a job on the RR before I turned 20 that paid more, had better benefits and retirement than most guys I went to HS with ever had. Why should I pay to go pay for some college classes/degree when I had already started a career with a major company. Not to mention how much overtime pay I would have missed out on had I been in a classroom somewhere when I would have been called out to work. Us poor ole RR guys probably learned more life lessons than you ever will.
Take your grand education and...! You have very few opinions that you don't look up online somewhere. You can't even spell simple words correctly, like using "where" when you mean "were" and "a" when "an" is appropriate. Get off your high horse genius!
I have 3 degree's and am a Professional as well and I don't dive into throwing around Play Ground shade....he is the one who continues to expose his immaturity and lack of ability to engage civil discourse...Reread my post...I am actually making a clinical diagnosis based upon his posting and what he posts.
He is the one that engages in junior high remarks like changing bed pans and claiming I am a conspiracy theory nutter and I assume trolling some strange SM sites that are fringe that he talked about ....I don't believe in conspiracy theories like the Twin towers, Russian Collusion, etc. but he in a effort to demean and degrade said I am that type of person. Why because he can't mount a credible response so he needs to feel some infantile vindication hence the grade school response.
I responded with a basic analysis of his personality. Not complicated in the least. While he might mask his true personality as a Educator while on the Job what he is has been brought to full light by his own hand on the keyboard.
I am not the least bit surprised he is a educator as he fits the Axis for the personality type that goes into that field. Certain stunted personality traits do tend to gravitate back to the confines of their earlier childhood. I never once brought into question either his Educational acuity...just his maturity and personality.
And It is Ironic he threw out 13 year old boyish muck to me and I make a professional and pertinent study of his post and you claim it is I who is being degrading! I just pointed out the obvious that he doesn't engage in facts...data....or counter arguments based on logic....he goes straight to Slinging verbal contempt.
In regards to my post to You ..clearly you didn't get my point regarding you and now you are try to defend your reasons for not furthering your academic educating .....Man I wasn't talking about furthering your education in a official Academic sitting at all. You totally missed my point.
I 100% agree taking that RR job was a WISE and SMART decision employment wise. I respect you for doing that and I respect the hard work you have done through out your life. What I don't respect is that now you seem interested in engaging in topics but don't put in the effort to do a minimal bit of research on said topics outside of what ever the MSM spew's.
By furthering your education you simply have to in your spare time Read, Study and expound on the Subjects that you want to discuss! In fact going to a academic sitting for that would be counter productive as you will not be shown the total picture at all.
I don't formulate my opinions from online reading....I garner my opinions from data and logic. The links I provide are to give context and to provide evidence and proof. Just spewing opinions without something behind those opinions is rather intellectually shallow.
And I've learned a lot of life lessons...I can assure you the things I've seen and dealt with on a daily bases....Child Molestation, Suicide, Children who have Killed Siblings just to see them die and wanted to know what it felt like to kill, the torture of animals....I will stack that up against what ever you learned on the RR any day as life lessons go.
Your attack on my quick and hastened grammar is meaningless to me, grammar nazi are just trying to deflect from the original topic or point...and I do find it a bit disheartening that at the end of your post you once again slipped into some name calling to make yourself feel better and less insufficient. It's a natural human response to lash out with a remarks like that but it's no different than Expect2wins muck either.