KING: Well, I guess we should have expected that the Left, including President Obama, would take that occasion for a political moment. They’ll grab at any opportunity, that’s to be understood. I have chosen not to politicize the death of congressman Lewis, but to remember him as a peaceful, nonviolent warrior, and encourage everyone to resolve our conflicts peacefully. However, President Obama, with wordplay, took us back to the 1960s, and that was a time when segregation was still on the books, segregation was still legal, and those in power, some of them were trying to enforce that and keep that. Today, when the National Guard goes in, sent by the president for example, or the state troopers, they’re trying to protect the people of America in every community and to save lives and protect people. There is a totally distinct difference.
Also implying without calling any names, he was very clever not to call any names, saying that there was an effort to undermine the voting process. You know, actually, President Trump is saying, people, please pay attention, we do want you to vote, use your absentee ballots, go to the polls. He’s even encouraged, you know, people to be poll watchers and poll workers and that kind of thing. President Trump is not trying to suppress the vote. As a matter of fact, you can see in my community, I’m telling everybody, make sure you vote, register to vote, pastors and leaders, encourage your people to vote. We do want people to vote safely and we need the voting process to be fair, and so to politicize the funeral of a peaceful warrior, I mean, I guess they grabbed at an opportunity to be political.
Also implying without calling any names, he was very clever not to call any names, saying that there was an effort to undermine the voting process. You know, actually, President Trump is saying, people, please pay attention, we do want you to vote, use your absentee ballots, go to the polls. He’s even encouraged, you know, people to be poll watchers and poll workers and that kind of thing. President Trump is not trying to suppress the vote. As a matter of fact, you can see in my community, I’m telling everybody, make sure you vote, register to vote, pastors and leaders, encourage your people to vote. We do want people to vote safely and we need the voting process to be fair, and so to politicize the funeral of a peaceful warrior, I mean, I guess they grabbed at an opportunity to be political.