That’s a great question and I respect that. Look at where they were before my staff got there, what happened when we were there, and what’s happened since. The quick turnaround and the way those teams played was what is more important and we won district championships in 2 years. Yes great athletes are in St. Louis and I was blessed, but those athletes where there before my staff got there and we worked our butts off to help them learn how to work and win as a team eliminating the bad habits that may have been the reason they had trouble turning the corner. Culture changing is the key, not saying I’m a guru and trust me I am not a person who gloats, but it is what it is and I was blessed to have great coaches around me to help me make the transitions smooth. That’s the key, surround yourself with great minds, great men who love kids and what they do and anything can happen. It was not all me in any of my head coaching stops, Even at Windsor when I got my first head coaching job, we taught kids how to love eachother, play hard for eachother and want better for themselves and their future. I don’t want to get on here and argue with grown men who should know better than to bash other people for simply doing something they are passionate about. Win, lose or draw all these coaches want to do is help young men reach their potential and teach them how to become better men and create a work ethic to help them no matter what they do after graduation. So to degrade, belittle, or bash men on here who do what they have been called to do, seems a little harsh when you don’t know peoples whole story. This should be a place where you talk about football, celebrate coaches accomplishments, talk about the great games that go on around the state or even just football related news with the correct information and not speculation.