Did Something Change?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2012
I have watched a handful of high school baseball games this year, and one thing that has struck me as different is how many times a coach will have a "conversation" with the umpire. Now, I haven't seen one get out of hand yet. But it just seems like every time there is a relatively close play, one of the coaches calls timeout and has a chit chat. It just seems a little excessive and I never remember seeing this many in the past. So was there some kind of rule change, or our the umps in our area just exceptionally bad that our coaches need to speak with them often :)
I know that in the pregame meeting now the umpires make it a point to say that if you disagree with a call please come talk to them instead of chirping at them or yelling. I don't remember that being something that came up in the pregame meeting before last season. Maybe because of this coaches feel that they can discuss more calls if they just handle it respectfully. I'm not sure - just a thought.

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