Dems should run a ticket of Whitmer and Obama

First, Biden would have to voluntarily refuse the nomination. He already has 3Xs the delegates needed for the nomination. There is no procedure in the DNC rules for a coup to deny him the delegates and remove him from the ticket at this point.
First, Biden would have to voluntarily refuse the nomination. He already has 3Xs the delegates needed for the nomination. There is no procedure in the DNC rules for a coup to deny him the delegates and remove him from the ticket at this point.
that doesn't disprove what I said.
First the way the Democratic party even choses a candidate with Superdelegates is the most undemocratic thing I have ever seen. Its a way for the elite and rich to stay in power in and control the parties nominee. The party calls themselves the party of the people yet they won't let them actually have a say in who the candidate is.
Its a way for the elite and rich to stay in power in and control the parties nominee. The party calls themselves the party of the people yet they won't let them actually have a say in who the candidate is.
The same can be said for both parties with the Super PAC money that kicks in after the conventions. It becomes "who has the most $$$" race with no limits.
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First the way the Democratic party even choses a candidate with Superdelegates is the most undemocratic thing I have ever seen. Its a way for the elite and rich to stay in power in and control the parties nominee. The party calls themselves the party of the people yet they won't let them actually have a say in who the candidate is.
Isnt that the way that Hillary got the nomination over Sanders?, or, at least made it nearly impossible for him to get the nomination?
The 12th Amendment would keep BO from being VP... [N]o person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice president of the United States
He is not constitutionally eligible for the Presidency and it is doubtful the courts would allow him to circumvent it this way.
The 12th Amendment would keep BO from being VP... [N]o person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president shall be eligible to that of vice president of the United States
He is not constitutionally eligible for the Presidency and it is doubtful the courts would allow him to circumvent it this way.
I'm not sure if that's correct in terms of 'running' . That seems like it may only apply to the congress picking. I'll have to look over my notes from back then. :D

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