Democratic Debate after dinner= Barf Bag

Interesting. Tweets from Rand Paul who doesn't even qualify for your debate stage. Bahahahahahahaha
Ok Shooot I'm ready... so fired up by the dim debate. I'm completely satiated with BS, need some real stuff, GO GO write away. Patiently waiting.......
Has nothing to do with the debate. I just don't get posting a bunch of crap someone else 'tweeted' on here. I haven't seen any of the last two debates at all. I can get all the highlights tomorrow morning if I choose too.
Has nothing to do with the debate. I just don't get posting a bunch of crap someone else 'tweeted' on here. I haven't seen any of the last two debates at all. I can get all the highlights tomorrow morning if I choose too.
3R, IDC what you think. Just because you don't get it, doesn't make it an issue. Read all the other posts or just ignore.
Four of the 12 regional Fed banks are headed by Goldman Sachs execs. Let's not act like there are no issues.
The Audit the Fed proposal has nothing to do with addressing that.

In general, if a proposal involves the words "Ron Paul" and "Federal Reserve," you are going to be right to oppose it 99% of the time.
The Audit the Fed proposal has nothing to do with addressing that.

In general, if a proposal involves the words "Ron Paul" and "Federal Reserve," you are going to be right to oppose it 99% of the time.

I'm not familiar with the proposal because it went nowhere. But the fact that all of our politicians except Bernie and E. Warren have just given up on regulating Wall Street doesn't provide much hope for this country.
I'm not familiar with the proposal because it went nowhere. But the fact that all of our politicians except Bernie and E. Warren have just given up on regulating Wall Street doesn't provide much hope for this country.
A significant % of the problem has always been failure to effectively apply regulations that already exist due to a combination of regulatory capture and the banks moving faster than the regulators.

Also, audit the fed is back - McConnell has given it a bump as part of his buddy buddy lovefest with Rand Paul
A significant % of the problem has always been failure to effectively apply regulations that already exist due to a combination of regulatory capture and the banks moving faster than the regulators.

Also, audit the fed is back - McConnell has given it a bump as part of his buddy buddy lovefest with Rand Paul

It's what I've been preaching, Pubs have simple solutions, dems don't , " all hail our complex solutions, we tried to make them work, but they were beyond the ability of mere mortals to grasp. Obamacare was such a masterpiece of complexity that was never given a chance, and oh the beautiful 11,000 page tax code, if only the simpletons would get out if the way we could apply those regulations.
It's what I've been preaching, Pubs have simple solutions, dems don't , " all hail our complex solutions, we tried to make them work, but they were beyond the ability of mere mortals to grasp. Obamacare was such a masterpiece of complexity that was never given a chance, and oh the beautiful 11,000 page tax code, if only the simpletons would get out if the way we could apply those regulations.
The R proposals appear simple because they aren't trying to legislate them. Once they have to actually propose something in Congress, it won't be simple. Look at the Bush tax cuts, Medicare Part D, etc. These were not simple laws. MMA of 2003 is over 400 pages. Soundbites are not real policy proposals. "Bomb bomb bomb bomb" is not a strategy.

To his credit, Jeb has actual proposals. Of course his campaign is DOA, but he's trying to be more intellectually honest than the front runners in his party.

The ACA is also a huge endeavor designed to impact a sector that is over 1/6th of our economy. It is basically impossible to do what they wanted to do in a simple way.

And the tax code is huge because of both parties.

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