cTOWN STATE BOUND!! 20-17 winners!

That was a solid win for the Tigers on the road. The 10 minute 17 play drive was really great and the defense really kept FZN from scoring much in spite of moving the ball really well most of the game.

Glad to finally get to see both Webb AND Carthage playing for hardware!
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Can't believe this has finally happened.
Shout out to all the turds who said Carthage and Cassville had no shot.
As someone from STL, I thought they both had a shot, more impressed with Carthage traveling to StL and getting the win, but both were awesome wins.
Carthage and FZN both played really well in all facets of the game, imo. Every inch of ground covered by each offense was hard earned as both team's high scoring offenses were held well below their average scoring totals. I was really impressed with the way the Tigers defense took away the FZN QB option and also remained disciplined against the standard triple option FZN offensive set - Payne, Futrell, Hartrup and Oakes are an extremely fast, slippery group.

Carlton and Mueller did a fantastic job of reading blocks and powering the ball for grinding gains all day long. The Tigers O line were fantastic. write-up tells the tale:
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