Conspiracy theorists taking control of election process


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
All the swing states are being targeted.
Democracy be damned.

This is insanity. What is the breaking point? Where do we start to have some common sense?
They are literally recruiting election deniers to work/manipulate the polls. The mob has taken over the swing states.
They are literally recruiting election deniers to work/manipulate the polls. The mob has taken over the swing states.
But where does this stop? When does it start to turn around or are we just going to continue down a crazy path until we come to a civil war? The right is already saying they expect one to happen, but they are the ones leading us down that path.
It will happen when one of these nuts state legislatures decide that their state’s voters don’t matter and they seat fake electors. Then the sh will hit the fan.
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It will happen when one of these nuts state legislatures decide that their state’s voters don’t matter and they seat fake electors. Then the sh will hit the fan.
Like Missouri GOP does every time there's a ballot issue:

The politicians know best so they ignore the will of the people.
I 100% favor photo ID for voting in person only or absentee with good reason for legal US citizens. Mail in voting and absentee without good reason opens the possibility of voting fraud.

I was fine with exceptions being made during covid in '20, but now we must go back to traditional voting. It's not hard getting a gov issued photo ID if you really care about doing your civic duty.

Yeah, Don the Con Man has successfully convinced a sizable portion of the US pop that our voting process is full of corruption, conspiracy, and fraud as he has been preaching it since entering politics. While our system isn't perfect, in person voting with photo ID is the most reliable. We can't dilute the rules make it easy to commit fraud. Also, we can't allow urban areas to be forced to stand in line for hours to vote.
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I 100% favor photo ID for voting in person only or absentee with good reason for legal US citizens. Mail in voting and absentee without good reason opens the possibility of voting fraud.

I was fine with exceptions being made during covid in '20, but now we must go back to traditional voting. It's not hard getting a gov issued photo ID if you really care about doing your civic duty.

Yeah, Don the Con Man has successfully convinced a sizable portion of the US pop that our voting process is full of corruption, conspiracy, and fraud as he has been preaching it since entering politics. While our system isn't perfect, in person voting with photo ID is the most reliable. We can't dilute the rules make it easy to commit fraud. Also, we can't allow urban areas to be forced to stand in line for hours to vote.
How many times did Trump lose in court trying to prove so called voter fraud ?
Oh I agree that it was investigated and there was no evidence that there were was enough voting discrepancies found in any state that would have change the outcome of the election.

I just don't think it is too much to ask for people to appear in person to vote at their voting precinct with photo identification to prove who you are, and only allowed to vote as absentee if legitimate circumstances prevent you from appearing in person.

Although I do believe polls should be open 24 hours in metropolitan areas where needed. Fortunately, it's never taken me more than 10 minutes to vote. I doubt if I would have the patience to stand in line for hours to vote.
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Oh I agree that it was investigated and there was no evidence that there were was enough voting discrepancies found in any state that would have change the outcome of the election.

I just don't think it is too much to ask for people to appear in person to vote at their voting precinct with photo identification to prove who you are, and only allowed to vote as absentee if legitimate circumstances prevent you from appearing in person.

Although I do believe polls should be open 24 hours in metropolitan areas where needed. Fortunately, it's never taken me more than 10 minutes to vote. I doubt if I would have the patience to stand in line for hours to vote.
How would you prove you can't get to the polls on election day? Many times a person's job doesn't allow them to know if they can be there or not and they don't know ahead of time so they go the absentee route. I did that a few times when I was working on the RR because I could be called out at any time and not get back to town in time the next day or get a call in the evening telling me to go to work 50 or a hundred miles from home the next day.
Ok Don Junior. Show us the evidence.
Honest question, can you get a passport without showing up in person? Maybe you can, I have not traveled out of country in some time. I am trying to think of other things where you cannot mail in or do online documents for security reasons and proof of identity. I vote in person, so I cannot speak on mail in voting.
What a smart ass!! I guess no one would ever think of mailing in a vote for someone else they knew wasn't going to vote.
Utah mails every single registered voter their ballot. They haven’t had problems. But keep repeating unproven theories to destroy democracy. I voted via mail from college back in the early 80s. It was never a big issue until Trump threw out the hook and you swallowed it.
Utah mails every single registered voter their ballot. They haven’t had problems. But keep repeating unproven theories to destroy democracy. I voted via mail from college back in the early 80s. It was never a big issue until Trump threw out the hook and you swallowed it.
But Utah votes GOP because culture my man.
Don't see trumpy challenging votes in place he won
Utah mails every single registered voter their ballot. They haven’t had problems. But keep repeating unproven theories to destroy democracy. I voted via mail from college back in the early 80s. It was never a big issue until Trump threw out the hook and you swallowed it.
If universal mail in voting is such a great idea, I wonder why we haven't been doing it for 200 years to prevent destroying democracy?? Not surprised to see your condescending people skills haven't changed.
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Not having mail in voting doesn’t destroy democracy but continuing the spread of rumors and innuendo about the integrity of our system does. That is why the cult attacked the damn capitol.
If you like democracy you find a way to vote.
You need to go to some of these inner city precincts.
It's so obvious what is going on.

"Well out here in Podunkenstein we vote and it's no big deal".

Yea let's see you stand in line outside for 6 hours to vote and get back with me.
"Make it easier" the anthem to today's generation.
There is nothing wrong with having to show a photo ID to vote. Needs to be done "in person" if at all possible. I am as busy as most anyone, yet, I always find a way. But if you truly can't, that is what absentee is for. But, as a previous poster mentioned, we need to go back to having to show cause to vote absentee. Get rid of this mass voting by mail and early voting on demand. Whether there has already been fraud or not, it opens the door up for it.
Why make it easier at the expense of making it tougher to guarantee fairness?
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"Make it easier" the anthem to today's generation.
There is nothing wrong with having to show a photo ID to vote. Needs to be done "in person" if at all possible. I am as busy as most anyone, yet, I always find a way. But if you truly can't, that is what absentee is for. But, as a previous poster mentioned, we need to go back to having to show cause to vote absentee. Get rid of this mass voting by mail and early voting on demand. Whether there has already been fraud or not, it opens the door up for it.
Why make it easier at the expense of making it tougher to guarantee fairness?
I'm sure it's easy for you to vote. We live in low population areas.

Go to some of these inner cities where the GOP has gotten most of the precincts closed AND they passed laws to make it illegal to give people in line food and/or water.

That makes no sense unless they're trying to inhibit minority voting.

The GOP knows the majority of Americans disagree with their policies and/or candidates. The fewer folks voting the better for them.

I'm still waiting for evidence to be presented in court that there was any voting issues in any of these cases.

Only folks ive seen nailed for voter fraud have been GOPers.
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we could go back and forth. But, If you just want one.. Here is a former Dem Congressman
Yep that was the one I remember as well.

However, trumps team never , ever presented evidence in court of any issues with the 2016 presidential election.
Yes, they yapped and yipped 24/7 on their trumpmedia.

That's why they were the 1976 Buccaneers in court.

Wonder why they didn't make the same claims in court that they did to their followers?
Yep that was the one I remember as well.

However, trumps team never , ever presented evidence in court of any issues with the 2016 presidential election.
Yes, they yapped and yipped 24/7 on their trumpmedia.

That's why they were the 1976 Buccaneers in court.

Wonder why they didn't make the same claims in court that they did to their followers?
They were the 1976 Bucs X 4... Trump lost over 60 cases involving his claims of voter fraud.
I'm sure it's easy for you to vote. We live in low population areas.

Go to some of these inner cities where the GOP has gotten most of the precincts closed AND they passed laws to make it illegal to give people in line food and/or water.

That makes no sense unless they're trying to inhibit minority voting.

The GOP knows the majority of Americans disagree with their policies and/or candidates. The fewer folks voting the better for them.

I'm still waiting for evidence to be presented in court that there was any voting issues in any of these cases.

Only folks ive seen nailed for voter fraud have been GOPers.

Veer, I agree, we don't experience lines like those in larger cities. So yes it is hard to vote. But my question is if voting is so important why not make it a Federal holiday?

As for food being handed out I totally understand that, I can see candidates giving out water canvassing those in line, which would not be fair to the candidates who don't have that sort of money to spend. If you know you are going to wait be prepared?

I don’t understand again all the excuses for not voting…You want to vote you will vote! People all seem to find the time and a way to sign up for free benefits.. and lord knows that is harder than waiting in line every four years to vote on a President. So if you want something bad enough you find a way to get it done.
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Veer, I agree, we don't experience lines like those in larger cities. So yes it is hard to vote. But my question is if voting is so important why not make it a Federal holiday?

As for food being handed out I totally understand that, I can see candidates giving out water canvassing those in line, which would not be fair to the candidates who don't have that sort of money to spend. If you know you are going to wait be prepared?

I don’t understand again all the excuses for not voting…You want to vote you will vote! People all seem to find the time and a way to sign up for free benefits.. and lord knows that is harder than waiting in line every four years to vote on a President. So if you want something bad enough you find a way to get it done.
I think all federal elections should be a holiday OR make elections over a few days. Also add precincts to the populated areas instead of taking them away. It's blatantly obvious what's going on there.

If I had to stand in line for 6-8 hours in the heat/cold/rain/snow I'm not sure I would and i'm not 'elderly' yet.
Veer, I agree, we don't experience lines like those in larger cities. So yes it is hard to vote. But my question is if voting is so important why not make it a Federal holiday?

As for food being handed out I totally understand that, I can see candidates giving out water canvassing those in line, which would not be fair to the candidates who don't have that sort of money to spend. If you know you are going to wait be prepared?

I don’t understand again all the excuses for not voting…You want to vote you will vote! People all seem to find the time and a way to sign up for free benefits.. and lord knows that is harder than waiting in line every four years to vote on a President. So if you want something bad enough you find a way to get it done.
Get off my lawn!!!!!
There is no reason in this day and age that we are not able to do it better than what we are doing now.
If the government can take my tax payments online, they surely should be able to find a way to take my vote online securely as well. Then we don't have to wait until 2 in the morning to find out who won.

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