Confederate Flag

We can joke all we want, but Park Hills Central High School Rebels would seem a little more innocent if I hadn't driven thru down town Park Hills two years ago and seen a KKK member in gown and hood passing out pamphlets.
Ya, like tell people to get f over their pc selves and enjoy life.
The government is in the business of serving everyone. It can and should be held to a different standard than we expect for private citizens.

Generally, the government should be treading pretty carefully on this sort of thing.
Not everyone who owns a double wide flies a confederate flag, but everyone who flies a confederate flag lives in a double wide.
I can show you one in P.B. hanging on a regular house in a plain ole residential area with some houses and some apartments but NO doublewide homes. :confused:
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I started my life away from home in a single wide and would have love to be in a double.
The government is in the business of serving everyone. It can and should be held to a different standard than we expect for private citizens.

Generally, the government should be treading pretty carefully on this sort of thing.

Public universities are funded by the I mean it is not a huge jump for us to start renaming mascots. I mean slippery slope.
Public universities are funded by the I mean it is not a huge jump for us to start renaming mascots. I mean slippery slope.
A lot of these schools did so with Indian mascots already - public and private - due to political pressure.
John Oliver says it all at about 2:20.


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