No, actually what that means is that the kid wasn't shot while leaning in the car struggling to get the gun.Originally posted by Drop.Tine:
Not at close range could mean he was 3 feet away or 20. This says nothing. Good reporting CNN.
That's true, but it doesn't mean the gun didn't go off. And doesn't mean they didn't struggle for the gun.Originally posted by longestyard:
No, actually what that means is that the kid wasn't shot while leaning in the car struggling to get the gun.Originally posted by Drop.Tine:
Not at close range could mean he was 3 feet away or 20. This says nothing. Good reporting CNN.
Huh? How do you figure?Originally posted by Duck_walk:
It ain't looking good for the cop. The girl who saw it sounds very credible and her statement jibes with the preliminary autopsy report. If there isn't residue on Brown's clothes he should have been arrested a week ago.
"Jackson said Brown was with a friend at an teen reportedly initiated an altercation, pushing the officer back into the vehicle and struggling to retrieve his weapon. The fatal shot was then fired from within the car.Originally posted by Drop.Tine:
That's true, but it doesn't mean the gun didn't go off. And doesn't mean they didn't struggle for the gun.
Report also said the two shoots to the head were probable the last two fired. So whose to say he did not shoot him in the arm 4 times yet the person still charged forward so he shot him two more times hitting him in the eye and then as he fell over in the top of the head? Just saying according to the evidence and autopsy that is a very credible account. But again so many wanting to jump to conclusion and stroke the fires of a raciest cop. Never mind the kid had just committed a strong armed robbery, and never mind the autopsy show he did not have his hands up or that he was running away as several eyewitness swore at first...Originally posted by longestyard:
"Jackson said Brown was with a friend at an teen reportedly initiated an altercation, pushing the officer back into the vehicle and struggling to retrieve his weapon. The fatal shot was then fired from within the car.Originally posted by Drop.Tine:
That's true, but it doesn't mean the gun didn't go off. And doesn't mean they didn't struggle for the gun.
Ferguson, Mo., Police Chief Thomas Jackson confirmed on Hannity that a shot was fired inside a police officer's vehicle during a struggle that ultimately resulted in the death of an unarmed black teenager. Jackson said there was a struggle for the officer's gun before 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by the officer.
The police have said Brown was shot amid a struggle with the officer in and around the officer's squad car.
So back to your original comment, I personally think it is vital new information, and not as worthless as you think it may be.
On the flip side, though, I think the autopsy report also paints a different picture if accurate.
One of the bullets entered the top of Brown's skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for New York City, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family's request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.
Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.
The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunshot powder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Brown's clothing, to which Baden did not have access.
So, to me, if he was shot at least five times in the front, it would seem difficult to understand how he was running away. Unless, he really did turn and face the officer to give him self up.
If he didn't stop coming towards him, he prolly didn't know he was hitting him. Also I believe they said really only one of the arm shots was a direct hit, grazes being the others until the first head shot. Then the second shot on top of the head.Originally posted by Bogey Man:
Agree. But 6 shots will be difficult to justify though. I've never been shot but I think if an unarmed person gets shot once, the fight is over. It will be hard to argue against excessive force.
It does look bad, but again had you been there or even if the cop had been wearing a camera it might also look justifiable hard to tell. Just so many unanswered questions. But I think it is clear to say the autopsy is putting some of the "eye wittiness" account in a very questionable light. Clearly he did not have his hand up when he was shot, and he also was not in a chock hold as his friend first said and he was not running away, he was facing the officer.Originally posted by Bogey Man:
Agree. But 6 shots will be difficult to justify though. I've never been shot but I think if an unarmed person gets shot once, the fight is over. It will be hard to argue against excessive force.
I just don't see how the kid went from a first shot in the car, to fleeing, to getting shot in the front six times. Which is the information that is missing to me, even though every eye-witness account says he fled to approx. 35 feet, stopped while getting shot at, then raised his hands. If he turned toward the police and raised his hands, this guy is going to have a difficult defense. But if Brown turned and started toward him in a threatening manner, then I could see the number of shots to his front side.Originally posted by Drop.Tine:
If he didn't stop coming towards him, he prolly didn't know he was hitting him. Also I believe they said really only one of the arm shots was a direct hit, grazes being the others until the first head shot. Then the second shot on top of the head.Originally posted by Bogey Man:
Agree. But 6 shots will be difficult to justify though. I've never been shot but I think if an unarmed person gets shot once, the fight is over. It will be hard to argue against excessive force.
There is so much information that is missing, it's hard to wait around for it with the nonsense going on.