Class 1 Championship: East Buchanan 42, Adrian 0 FINAL

The final play of the half sums it up. Two huge EB defenders pancake the QB. 28-zip we will be in score only mode to start the second half.
One quick quarter left then THAT IS IT for 2020, everyone. TOMORROW I am going to do a regional 2022 wrap and a few hints who to look for in 2023.............
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CONGRATULATIONS REPEAT C1 CHAMPIONS EAST BUCHANAN! GREAT run and season for ADRIAN as well. You all went on a run I don't think anyone saw coming.................AND THAT IS IT FOR THE 2022 MO HSFB SEASON!

Gonna digest the past few weeks and return for one more wrap up thread tomorrow!
The announcers are missing THE game that should have told everyone how good this EB team is: Week 2 at Savannah.

I agree. As the season progressed, I thought that loss looked better and better. Watched East Buch on film a few weeks ago and couldn't believe their size. That is a really good team. On the flip side, Adrian is mostly juniors.......
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