Cassville vs. Blair Oaks

Blair Oaks couldn't slow Cassville's running game, they ran straight at Blair Oaks, and if there's a way to beat Blair Oaks that's the way to do it.
There wasn't a whole lot Blair Oaks was going to be able to do defensively, when you get overpowered you get overpowered.

Congrats to Cassville, they earned it. SWMO football comes to play in the playoffs. Well coached, tough, hard-nosed, and disciplined football played down there.
Game ball goes to that Cassville offensive line. They were strong, and came at BO quick off the ball. BO defensive line wasn’t a match. An excellent RB as well, and helps when you are 5 yards downfield before being touched. Time of possession was completely lopsided. Hats off to Cassville.
“bLaIr oAkS iS a mAcHiNe”

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We like flying under the radar...we also like being challenged that Wildcat Nation doesn't travel well..Those tour busses and mile long CHS decked out vehicles packed the visitors stands and sidelines and were loud and proud!! Y'all come down to SWMO next Saturday, we will welcome you!!
Lutheran North couldn't beat them...

And THIS year Blair Oaks couldn’t get past Cassville. Maybe thinking too much about last year’s accomplishments was why they’re starting basketball practice on Monday?

Enjoy watching Trinity and Lutheran Notth play in the semifinals next week.

And THIS year Blair Oaks couldn’t get past Cassville. Maybe thinking too much about last year’s accomplishments was why they’re starting basketball practice on Monday?

Enjoy watching Trinity and Lutheran Notth play in the semifinals next week.

Thanks! I will enjoy watching Cassville walk the boys from Trinity! Best of luck to all the kids(dads) chasing that ring!
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Don't think Trinity can stop Cassville run game. Dont think Cassville has the Secondary to stop Trinity pass game.

Which ever teams makes fewer mistakes wins.
Lutheran North Trinity Ladue Fort Zumwalt North and DeSmet looks like another STL Sweep this year

Valle and Jackson aren't Stl, but I do think the East side of the bracket could sweep. Hope they do. The only thing more insufferable than the St. Louis homers is the Kansas City homers.
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Thanks! I will enjoy watching Cassville walk the boys from Trinity! Best of luck to all the kids(dads) chasing that ring!

I hope the boys have as much confidence as you do, because I’LL enjoy watching them try. Trinity wears the crown. All they have to do is beat them and take it. Then they (are their dads) can get rings, too.

Valle and Jackson aren't Stl, but I do think the East side of the bracket could sweep. Hope they do. The only thing more insufferable than the St. Louis homers is the Kansas City homers.

I dont know who or what a Valle is. I cant follow HS with less students than Mo Sports has posters. Jackson surprised me they usually get smoked around this time.

DeSmet and LN are heavy favorites, locks even. FSN and Trinity are basically locks. Ladue vs Webb is the one.
I dont know who or what a Valle is. I cant follow HS with less students than Mo Sports has posters. Jackson surprised me they usually get smoked around this time.

DeSmet and LN are heavy favorites, locks even. FSN and Trinity are basically locks. Ladue vs Webb is the one.

I'm not arguing with you.
Game ball goes to that Cassville offensive line. They were strong, and came at BO quick off the ball. BO defensive line wasn’t a match. An excellent RB as well, and helps when you are 5 yards downfield before being touched. Time of possession was completely lopsided. Hats off to Cassville.

From what I have heard and been reading on mosports and Facebook. The game ball probably needs to go to the person who got the Cassville fans to travel.

I bet Lamar, Maryville and Blair Oaks wish they weren’t turning in their equipment on Monday.

Your bark is much bigger then your bite. Congratulations on seeing this amount of losing on this side of the state in consecutive seasons. STL is sort of relevant for once, for a substantial amount of time. Enjoy it. Before long everyone will transfer out, after a recruiting coach leave for a college job.
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