Cassville 20 - Lamar 18 HALF

Cassville drives the field scored on 4th down. #11 for the cats made an incredible catch in the endzone. Cassville leading 35-26 with 3:15 left in the game. Lamar ball
Lamar drives down with ease. Score with 1:26 left 2 point good, seems to have hit the ground but they give it to the Tigers. 35-34 Cassville 1:26 left.
Lamar can’t stop them on 4th and short and the clock expires. Woof.
Bro…step off! Thats my thing!!!

@BoosterBosko need a ruling here.
@Eagles_Ball is correct. "Woof" is one of HIS things. But, as the thread states, claiming someone as one of your things doesnt prevent another poster from using it. But it DOES give you the right to call em out!! I will add @catch_21 to the thread with "yuck"

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