Bogey: I can feel it. Can you?

I don't know about the Rs but I want what is best for the country and a Socialist isn't that.
LOL just read this in an article that says Ann Coulter thinks Bernie can win.
"And here’s the thing – supporting Social Security, free college, breaking up the big banks, aren’t “progressive” policies, they’re just common sense, and 60 years ago they would have put Bernie Sanders smack dab in the mainstream of my father’s Republican Party."
It's from a salon article.
I don't know about the Rs but I want what is best for the country and a Socialist isn't that.
What part of he is NOT saying R's, or conservatives, or whatever you claim to be, want Sanders to be president do you not understand? He is only saying that they feel he can't win in the general so they would like to see him win against Clinton in the primary. Are you afraid he COULD win the general against somebody from this field of R's? BTW which place will the person you vote for for president in 2016 be on the ballot? I'm bettin on R!
BTW which place will the person you vote for for president in 2016 be on the ballot? I'm bettin on R!

Probably. I will not vote for Bernie Donald, Hillary, Joe, Al, Lindsey, or Jeb. If those are my choices, i'll vote otherwise as I have before. I have never voted a straight ticket either.
How many times have we been suckered in by someone saying what we want to hear? It really don't matter who is President until we clean up the mess with Congress. I think a lot of candidates mean what they say while running, but $$$$$$ it won't happen $$$$ until $$$$$ the outside powers $$$$$ are eliminated $$$$$$$$$$.
I'm sorry, I know Bernie can't single handed change the system. But he is the only one who actually wants to get the monied interests out of control. That's really his platform. Soooooooo. We appreciate your support.
Agree Wildcat and Ducky, it doesn't matter who is president and yet we kid ourselves into thinking it is "my side vs. your side" every 4 years. The presidential elections are about who can raise the most $$$. Congress runs this country, and lobbyists and $$$$ runs congress. Tom Coburn (R) retired Senator from Oklahoma, gave a great interview on 60 minutes last night. Congress now votes on how a piece of legislation will further their political careers, not what is best for the country. WE have to take the $$$$ out of politics.
Agree Wildcat and Ducky, it doesn't matter who is president and yet we kid ourselves into thinking it is "my side vs. your side" every 4 years. The presidential elections are about who can raise the most $$$. Congress runs this country, and lobbyists and $$$$ runs congress. Tom Coburn (R) retired Senator from Oklahoma, gave a great interview on 60 minutes last night. Congress now votes on how a piece of legislation will further their political careers, not what is best for the country. WE have to take the $$$$ out of politics.
Sadly it's been that way quite awhile. As the Donald said, "I know all about the buying of politicians because I've bought a lot of them over the years". I honestly don't see a solution. There's virtually no way to keep money and perks from changing hands. You can limit this and limit that but they'll still find ways to make it happen. They all talk about fixing it but none of them really want to. It's too lucrative.

One small thing might be to put them all on the same benefits as the rest of the government employees. Take away the lifetime stuff and different health insurance and such. It's absurd that they have such different and better benefits. Most of the stuff they do pass never applies to them. Put them as close back to normal government employees as possible. It's not the end all solution but it might be a start.
Basically black voters are convinced that Hillary will be the best choice for them. I think we all knew that. Bernie is an old white liberal. We know this.
With you 100% oldroundballer, serving one term and getting a lifetime pension and lifetime health insurance is a sham. Put them on same benefits as other government employees. No one is forcing anybody to run for Congress. It should be a priviledge and not a lifetime monetary reward.
I don't like his chances but if Donald can wipe that smug look off Jebs face I will be grateful.
I also would like for the 538 people to be wrong on one of the races. They are getting a bit cocky also.
With you 100% oldroundballer, serving one term and getting a lifetime pension and lifetime health insurance is a sham. Put them on same benefits as other government employees. No one is forcing anybody to run for Congress. It should be a priviledge and not a lifetime monetary reward.
Congress does participate in the same retirement plan as other Federal employees. The facebook postings suggesting otherwise are full of it.

Someone who works for six years as a Senator vests in a pension worth ~9% of their final pay commencing at retirement age. Someone who serves one term in the House isn't vested in anything.
I also would like for the 538 people to be wrong on one of the races. They are getting a bit cocky also.
I think a lot of those people are getting nervous about Trump moreso than they are about Clinton.

What's challenging with the Rs is just how much of their vote is behind "non-establishment" candidates. Carson, Trump and Cruz being examples of people who are totally anathema to large R donors and traditional power brokers. It's not like the Rs are just waiting for a few establishment types to drop out so their support consolidates. Their primary base has moved away from the money men and women.
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Sadly it's been that way quite awhile. As the Donald said, "I know all about the buying of politicians because I've bought a lot of them over the years". I honestly don't see a solution. There's virtually no way to keep money and perks from changing hands. You can limit this and limit that but they'll still find ways to make it happen. They all talk about fixing it but none of them really want to. It's too lucrative.

One small thing might be to put them all on the same benefits as the rest of the government employees. Take away the lifetime stuff and different health insurance and such. It's absurd that they have such different and better benefits. Most of the stuff they do pass never applies to them. Put them as close back to normal government employees as possible. It's not the end all solution but it might be a start.
See my other post about benefits - this is something that is just plain made up. When people rant and rave about this, you can assume they don't know what they are talking about and discount them as a source.

the only substantive difference is Congress forced itself onto the ACA Exchange and out of the Federal employees medical insurance plan. They receive a similar cost subsidy. It's not really a "better" benefit.