Bloomberg ain’t afraid to pay

Precisely? As in because he walked down the sidewalk in a hoody? You truly are sad. And saying I want to abolish the second amendment is just pathetic. Background checks, licensing, and getting high powered weapons off the street is not abolishing any amendment.

Stop and Frisk is a shat policy....and would never fly in the Suburbs at all. I don't believe the Policy was race driven....but the issue is that most crime comes from social economic depressed area's which happen to have a lot of minorities in them..And the policy might of been effective. But in a Nation founded as a Constitutional Republic it shouldn't be done EVER.

To slippery of a slope to taking other freedoms.

And what High Powered weapons are on the Street's? Nothing that is legal is high powered. Not seen to many Grenade Launchers or Fully Automatic weapons used in the peddling 13,000 violent gun acts.
Bad news MG. I just saw this on yahoo

Last Week Tonight’: John Oliver Talks Mike Bloomberg’s “Charisma-Impaired” Campaign Ads And “Appalling” History Of Stop-And-Frisk

since you commented on stop and frisk, Veerman is going a swear that you watch his shows. Because all opinions have to come from Veermans favorite tv programs.
Bad news MG. I just saw this on yahoo

Last Week Tonight’: John Oliver Talks Mike Bloomberg’s “Charisma-Impaired” Campaign Ads And “Appalling” History Of Stop-And-Frisk

since you commented on stop and frisk, Veerman is going a swear that you watch his shows. Because all opinions have to come from Veermans favorite tv programs.

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