I think it would be a close game and it could go either way. I will say everybody kept saying the same thing about Lutheran North against Blair Oaks. But I think people don't quite understand Blair Oaks was very talented in their own right, not as much as Trinity but they still have some guys that can flat out play.
To me the biggest difference would be coaching, and that was the biggest difference in the Lutheran North game.
Blair Oaks would severely out coach and out scheme Trinity just like they did Lutheran North. Lutheran North had no clue how to adjust to Blair Oaks motions and formations, they were constantly misaligned the whole game, and that gave Blair Oaks some really good numbers advantages and matchups.
Defensively Blair Oaks is fast and can run as well, again not saying more so than Trinity. But if you saw their games all year long, especially against LN and Lathrop, it will give you an understanding of just how good their defense was this year as well. Coaching would once again be a big advanatage, Blair Oaks is always in the right position to make plays and are very very fundamentally sound. Blair Oaks also only had 3 players that played both ways, Trinity has most guys going both ways.
Overall I think it would be a great game but Blair Oaks to me is talented enough, and so disciplined and well coached. In the games I saw Trinity play, they were undisciplined, didn't always align correctly, didn't have enough guys on the field, walking around at that snap of the ball not ready to play, etc. They are extremely talented, but that is what the rely on about 95% of the time to be successful. I believe Lutheran North was better coached than Trinity. LN played right with Trinity in the jamboree, granted it was a jamboree and at the very beginning of the year.
In several games this year there was talk about how teams would either beat Blair Oaks, play with them or they wouldn't be able to handle this and that. But every game the players and coaches left no doubt who the best team on the field was in those games.