Of course the demented, corrupt former President Joseph R. Biden pardoned several family members in the last minutes of his presidency.
He really had to, I was definitely expecting it, they were filthy and any honest assessment and examination would have had (any of us) them bustin' rocks at the crossbar hotel.
Only in some wacked-out lefty fantasy world were Joe, Jim and Hunter were not operating an influence peddling/shakedown racket on a global scale, and other family members were soaking in the loot. Probably some taxes forgot to get paid on the filthy lucre as well, just a wild guess there.
Biden basically did all the things that the sheep bleated that Trump would do, but didn't, in his first term.
What a sad career end (I hope?) to a corrupt lifelong politician that, at best, will just be remembered as the guy that occupied the big chair (and had his strings pulled) between Terms 1 & 2 of El Grande Naranja.