Biden pardons entire Jan 6 Committee


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2023
It’s good to see Biden pardon them for their crimes against our great nation.

And it sets a precedent for Trump granting pardons to everyone wrongly convicted of crimes on January 6

Time to move on and get all of that crap behind us
Of course the demented, corrupt former President Joseph R. Biden pardoned several family members in the last minutes of his presidency.

He really had to, I was definitely expecting it, they were filthy and any honest assessment and examination would have had (any of us) them bustin' rocks at the crossbar hotel.

Only in some wacked-out lefty fantasy world were Joe, Jim and Hunter were not operating an influence peddling/shakedown racket on a global scale, and other family members were soaking in the loot. Probably some taxes forgot to get paid on the filthy lucre as well, just a wild guess there.

Biden basically did all the things that the sheep bleated that Trump would do, but didn't, in his first term.

What a sad career end (I hope?) to a corrupt lifelong politician that, at best, will just be remembered as the guy that occupied the big chair (and had his strings pulled) between Terms 1 & 2 of El Grande Naranja.

Wow, just 4-plus years ago, even though you could tell Biden was slipping mentally then, he seems comparably much sharper than he does now...hard to imagine what he will be like 4 years from now.

I guess that didn't matter to a lot of the people that voted for him, they knew he was literally just a figurehead and a puppet anyway.

Edit: Didn't mean to distract from the point with my commentary on former President Biden's cognitive state, here's another link that gets to the crux:

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