Author Christian Beth Moore Speaks out against Trumpism

Man, it's not so much about his politics, it's about the type of person he is and the things he says and does.

That's why so many didn't vote for him this round. The argument hasn't changed. People have tried to make so many false things stick on him, because people straight hate the man. Trump is arrogant, proud, unrepentant, brash, and crude. No debating it. I'll readily accept all the accusations of his moral failings. Who knows how many more there are? But, what is my alternative in voting in a president? The liberal platform is HEINOUS! The modern Democratic Party isn't the Democratic Party of 25 years ago... it has been taken over by marxists and pagans.

When you ask about what Trump policies he enacted that affected anyone here negatively, you will hear crickets. If you say covid was Trump's fault, you are deluded. In fact, he's the only one calling out China over it. Biden wouldn't ever do that.

The Democratic ticket is all emotion-based and a spirit of covetousness, sloth, and sensuality. Socialism is legalized covetousness. "I don't have as much as you, so you have to give it to me...let's take a vote." Forced reallocation of resources is NOT Biblical. There was a reason that God said not to move the property boundary lines...personal property is biblical. In the book of Acts (the socialist's favorite passages) the believers VOLUNTARILY gave of their goods to others. It wasn't compulsion. A crooked government has not earned my trust to give them more power or money. Can anyone not see that bigger government and the liberal economic theory doesn't work anywhere?

Trump isn't my savior, he isn't a role model I want anyone to follow in nearly any aspect, but he did exactly what he said he would do, and you know exactly what you get with him. He does what he feels is best, despite those who question him. He has consistently supported Christians (as previously stated). He protects the citizens from foreign attacks and calls a spade a spade. He tries to end wars. He stops paying countries from our funds that are not allies. It isn't as if the other politicians don't do all kinds of dirty things behind the scenes...Obama campaign spying, Hunter Biden (please tell me anyone thinks this was an ethical thing and not based on who Joe Biden is, please).

He wasn't hired to be a morally great figure (I didn't vote for anyone in 16) but to run the country. If you think that Joe Biden is anymore ethical, you have been blinded. There is no question who is more competent to run the country... Please tell me a senile (sadly) old man who can't even put two sentences together without a teleprompter is a great candidate. He was chosen to be a puppet. I do believe the Lord has given our country over to wickedness as judgment, but He could also restore us just as easy (and such is my prayer). My hope isn't in Trump. It's in Christ alone. However, I'm going to vote for the candidate that desires the unborn life to be protected and for freedom of speech and religion!

The Gospel is this: We are all disqualified for heaven. We have all sinned. The 10 commandments leave us all in trouble. Jesus actually made it more apparent: If you have looked with lust, you have committed adultery. If you have hated someone in your heart, you have murdered them....That's why the father sent Jesus. We are all fallen and lawless. Jesus paid the fine, which was our death that we could live with him. He now demands all men to repent (change their mind) and surrender to his Lordship. Trust in him and leave the ways of the world behind, and HE WILL TRANSFORM YOU! He will give you a love for Him and people you never thought possible.

Christianity isn't about us being perfect, it's about Jesus being perfect. It isn't "do this, don't do this" It's about DONE. Jesus Finished it. Receive the gift and take up your cross and follow Jesus.
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blah, blah, blah Trump's an A Hole and Americans are tired of his lying self serving reality show.
blah, blah, blah Trump's an A Hole and Americans are tired of his lying self serving reality show.
I just want you to know what many people think when they vote for Trump. I am not disputing or underplaying how you feel, or what you have seen. I get it. Just want you to know the "other side" isn't a bunch of uneducated irrational people. You aren't exactly making a case that your side is the same.
You got a be kidding about why Trump is not a Christian. I give up on you Trump guys you can't say anything he does is wrong and I reckon you never will!

I agree he is no Christian or at least lacks in living up to the dogma.....but he does do things that benefit Christians.

I think Trump does a lot of things wrong and has very questionable character. The thing is I don't see a bit of difference in his Character and Biden,Obama's,Clintons or Bush's.

I fully admit Trump lies about things......but no more than any other person in Political power. He just does it in a Arrogant blunt way and the MSM takes delight in talking about the lies as opposed to ignoring them like they do with Certain people they like.
Man, it's not so much about his politics, it's about the type of person he is and the things he says and does. What kind of Christian makes fun of a handicap reporter's disability on camera and in front of the microphone at a rally (the last straw for me), says a female commentator is bleeding out of her eyes and other places, says he can do anything to women because he is rich and they like being grabbed in the p***y, trying to destroy people's careers and reputations that disagree with him out of pure vengeance, and on and on. What type of Christian has done this all his life???

Trump is a despicable human being!!

What type of a Christian does these things. Lots of Christians every day. Christians mess up every day. They say and do things that they shouldn't. Christianity isn't based on being perfect or a "good" person, it's based on having Jesus Christ as your forgiving Savior. I personally have said some things that were wrong and some that people thought were not Christian and they were right on. Jesus called Peter Satan. He called the religious leaders snakes. He called those who didn't understand Him blind and deaf. You or I have never had the "demonic" attack that Trump has had after him, every day, through almost every biased media outlet there is. Shoot, we get mad when were cut off in traffic and spew hateful things. I'm not defending what he said as it being ok, I just think the flabbergasted and often judgmental response to what he says is greatly politically driven and over exaggerated. Especially in view of the approval of Obama's eloquent speaking while he gives our country's sovereignty away, lies through his teeth about Obamacare ("you can keep your insurance provider"), supports killing babies immediately prior to birth and fuels racism by supporting a false narrative ("hands up, don't shoot"). And, nobody says a thing and swoons over him a every word and action.
What type of a Christian does these things. Lots of Christians every day. Christians mess up every day. They say and do things that they shouldn't. Christianity isn't based on being perfect or a "good" person, it's based on having Jesus Christ as your forgiving Savior. I personally have said some things that were wrong and some that people thought were not Christian and they were right on. Jesus called Peter Satan. He called the religious leaders snakes. He called those who didn't understand Him blind and deaf. You or I have never had the "demonic" attack that Trump has had after him, every day, through almost every biased media outlet there is. Shoot, we get mad when were cut off in traffic and spew hateful things. I'm not defending what he said as it being ok, I just think the flabbergasted and often judgmental response to what he says is greatly politically driven and over exaggerated. Especially in view of the approval of Obama's eloquent speaking while he gives our country's sovereignty away, lies through his teeth about Obamacare ("you can keep your insurance provider"), supports killing babies immediately prior to birth and fuels racism by supporting a false narrative ("hands up, don't shoot"). And, nobody says a thing and swoons over him a every word and action.

PLEASSSSE!! No Christian would mock a disabled person on national TV!! Trump knew exactly what he was doing and didn't care - just as he has done all his life.
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lol this portion is doing a lot of work when it comes to Trump. No matter what he does, how he acts, what he says, the Right will always have "well.... he's not perfect, but nobody is!" Alright, cool... that's fine when speaking of his merits to get into heaven (I'm doubtful). Doesn't mean he should be our President on this astral plane. Also, just about everyone on this board is closer to perfect than our soon-to-be ex-president.

If Trump was pro choice all of his lies and sin would matter to the Christians, the fact that his stand on the abortion issue aligns with thier believes washes away all his other sins in the eye's of many Christians. However they too will have to face the music for the support of him however each person's path he walks with God is thier own path those who ignore the truth and chose to walk the path of lies well that will be between them and God as it says in the bible.

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
The man of sin will come with the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power, including miraculous and wonderful signs. But they will be lies.
10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
I don't do bible studies with non-christians. Truth is spiritual discerned.

What was the Christian to do? Either vote for the one who allows us to freely express our faith, fight for the unborn, and allow for religious gatherings.... or vote pro "choice"-not for the baby, religious suppression and even condoning of faiths militant to everything America stands on, no sovereignty as a nation, lawlessness, riots, etc. Or not vote and watch the liberal get in that way too.

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.

Biden isn't even allowed to take communion at his church, which doesn't have the gospel of grace alone anyways.

For those of you that follow Christ and are trying to help, know this: Proverbs 26:4 & 5.... I think we are in verse 4 territory here...there is no conceding wrongdoing or flaw in their candidate. The gospel was shared. Move on. Shake the dust off. I'm bowing back out.
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I agree he is no Christian or at least lacks in living up to the dogma.....but he does do things that benefit Christians.

I think Trump does a lot of things wrong and has very questionable character. The thing is I don't see a bit of difference in his Character and Biden,Obama's,Clintons or Bush's.

I fully admit Trump lies about things......but no more than any other person in Political power. He just does it in a Arrogant blunt way and the MSM takes delight in talking about the lies as opposed to ignoring them like they do with Certain people they like.
NO just NO! He has lied about any and everything even when the truth would fit better and many times about some very important stuff. Maybe like Corona Virus. He knew very early how bad and how contagious it was but he "liked to downplay it." He has done nothing but lie about this election since before it it ever happened!! And is still doing to raise millions of dollars form his loyal supporters and he can do about anything he wants with that money.
PLEASSSSE!! No Christian would mock a disabled person on national TV!! Trump knew exactly what he was doing and didn't care - just as he has done all his life.

LOL a disabled person can be and many are huge Arsehole and have some mocking coming their way....being physically disabled shouldn't give anyone a free pass from ridicule or other public criticism.

I do agree that Trump knew what he was doing and didn't care..... he shouldn't of even taken into consideration the guy was disabled. Trump treated him fairly and just and as a equal of others.....he attacked him like he attacked anyone and everyone he disagree'd with or disliked.
Avoiding this scripture, You have no shame.
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
LOL a disabled person can be and many are huge Arsehole and have some mocking coming their way....being physically disabled shouldn't give anyone a free pass from ridicule or other public criticism.

I do agree that Trump knew what he was doing and didn't care..... he shouldn't of even taken into consideration the guy was disabled. Trump treated him fairly and just and as a equal of others.....he attacked him like he attacked anyone and everyone he disagree'd with or disliked.
You seem to find a way to support anything Trump does. That post was just unbelievable coming from a guy that say he's on the fence politically. o_O
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“Give to Caesar what is Caesar.”

"Then neither do I condemn you,"

Both sides can quote single verse scripture to their advantage all day. I vote my conscience, confess my sins and pray for our country.
Legitimizing Trump mocking a disabled person? He deserved it? Have you no shame??

I have zero Idea if the Disabled reporter deserved it or not....I was just pointing out that Disabled people are no different than non-disabled people and if they are arseholes they deserve mocking. Clearly Trump see's it the same. He doesn't see a disabled person, he see's a person who has the ability to defend himself.

I guess you see disabled people as some specialized class who are not capable of defending against ridicule and mockery...sort of Sad and shows your true nature in That you see handicapped people as less than regular people who need special protections and shields.

Strange illogical mindset...I clearly believe in the right of he Disabled Reporter doing his job however he see's fit...I hope you do as well....but if you step into that arena and take on the Job then anyone no matter the handicap should be prepared to take the heat from the other side. No special treatment based on race,age,gender, or physical ability to do so is demeaning .
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You seem to find a way to support anything Trump does. That post was just unbelievable coming from a guy that say he's on the fence politically. o_O

I personally think Trumps behavior is often boorish and in bad taste.I don't support such behavior and if I could I would of weaned that out of him.... But Trump is consistent across the board he treats anyone who disagree's with him in the same manner. Trump didn't see a disabled guy he saw a person who was not on his side. So he went after him.

There was a lot about Trump I didn't support...his over spending. His Twitter BS that was nothing but hyperbole and self-aggrandizing. I didn't support his Character at all. But I do understand it and why he is what he is.

I will freely admit I support a lot of his policies..His stance on China, His Middle east peace agreements,his economic policies for the most part. His relocation of Troops in Europe. I like his appointment of conservative Constitution first judges. I hoped he would curtail unfettered immigration and make it fair and just as opposed to a slew of rabble sneaking across the boarder, I supported his efforts in that regard. I supported his defense of the 2nd amd. and the first Amd. as well.
Only a person who lacks moral character and decency makes fun of a person's disability. Spin it anyway you like, Trump is a despicable person.
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Only a person who lacks moral character and decency makes fun of a person's disability. Spin it anyway you like, Trump is a despicable person.
You can bash the person and whatever it was you disagree with but don't make fun of a disability.
Trump is the worst president of all time and may be one of the worst people ever as well.
When everything that loser has done gets out im thinking even the cultists may wake up.
I have zero Idea if the Disabled reporter deserved it or not....I was just pointing out that Disabled people are no different than non-disabled people and if they are arseholes they deserve mocking. Clearly Trump see's it the same. He doesn't see a disabled person, he see's a person who has the ability to defend himself.

I guess you see disabled people as some specialized class who are not capable of defending against ridicule and mockery...sort of Sad and shows your true nature in That you see handicapped people as less than regular people who need special protections and shields.

Strange illogical mindset...I clearly believe in the right of he Disabled Reporter doing his job however he see's fit...I hope you do as well....but if you step into that arena and take on the Job then anyone no matter the handicap should be prepared to take the heat from the other side. No special treatment based on race,age,gender, or physical ability to do so is demeaning .
Then he should have called him out without the disabled person gestures he made. As you said, that should have had NOTHING to do with it.
Legitimizing Trump mocking a disabled person? He deserved it? Have you no shame??

This "Trump mocked a disabled reporter is a liberal media spin that most haven't researched further than listening to CNN or MSNBC. Here are two videos that show Trump when he's talking about the reporter (btw, this is the CNN version) and the next showing him do the exact same action when he's talking about himself and things he doesn't like (go to the 6:15 minute mark to see Trump's arm flailing).

Just an added point: I do not think it's ok to mock anyone for anything. But, when people in this thread talk about the reporter being mocked you see the emotion and disgust coming out. Why is that emotion and disgust not shown towards the murdering of millions of pre-born babies??? And why not be disgusted with anyone that supports this horrific crime against humanity? I didn't like Trump before he went into politics and I'm not defending him, but I will defend anyone being in the White House that will FOR WHATEVER REASON take steps to ending this modern day holocaust. Trump can be the biggest @ss on the planet, at least his actions produce healthy things for our country. I can't even come close to saying that about Biden & Co.
Trump don't give a chit about abortion. What steps exactly has he taken to repeal Roe v Wade? He publicly opposes abortion for one purpose only - to galvanize the Bible Belt. Why didn't Reps do something when they controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress? Instead it's "Blame the Dems".
Trump don't give a chit about abortion. What steps exactly has he taken to repeal Roe v Wade? He publicly opposes abortion for one purpose only - to galvanize the Bible Belt. Why didn't Reps do something when they controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress? Instead it's "Blame the Dems".
They get played by this issue non-stop.

Wake up trumpers. Its still legal and gop has had total control of government multiple times now in last 20 years.
They get played by this issue non-stop.

Wake up trumpers. Its still legal and gop has had total control of government multiple times now in last 20 years.

Absolutely!! Now it will go on the GOP back burner for the next 3 1/2 years until they need to galvanize the bible belt again in 2024. Reps candidates know they can make some anti abortion speeches every 4 years for some guaranteed votes and then they will shelve the abortion issue until the next election. You watch - suddenly abortion will disappear from the right's rhetoric for the next couple of years.
Absolutely!! Now it will go on the GOP back burner for the next 3 1/2 years until they need to galvanize the bible belt again in 2024. Reps candidates know they can make some anti abortion speeches every 4 years for some guaranteed votes and then they will shelve the abortion issue until the next election. You watch - suddenly abortion will disappear from the right's rhetoric for the next couple of years.
Abortion guns and deficits.
Gets the droolers every time
You've conveniently forgot to mention the $10 trillion the wealthy tax cuts will cost over 10 yrs. We are starting 2021 with a $1 trillion deficit in tax revenue for the year. But, hey, the wealthy deserve it, right?
Absolutely!! Now it will go on the GOP back burner for the next 3 1/2 years until they need to galvanize the bible belt again in 2024. Reps candidates know they can make some anti abortion speeches every 4 years for some guaranteed votes and then they will shelve the abortion issue until the next election. You watch - suddenly abortion will disappear from the right's rhetoric for the next couple of years.

I agree...abortion is just a election time talking point..Trump could careless about Abortion.
Abortion guns and deficits.
Gets the droolers every time

Nobody cares about the deficit anymore....on either side.. Guns and the over reach of the Leftist party now I agree that get's a lot of the rank and file up in arms.
Very well said.
I try to cut Christians some slack when they have problems with Trump the person (I do too). I would never condone Trump being in the pulpit at a church service but President is a different job. Would love to have the spiritual person who was also a competent leader of our country but those are almost opposing positions. A Christians focus is to be on spiritual matters to the point of almost being unconcerned with political matters. Christians should vote for people who aid their cause and not require someone who lives their cause.

The end justifies the means then. That sounds about right.
Trouble with scripture and math? You never did tell me what Trump could have done to stop abortion he didn't do.
I answer your questions and comments but you seem to avoid any your direction. Hmmmm.
lol how is his not answering different from your deflecting?

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