Man, it's not so much about his politics, it's about the type of person he is and the things he says and does.
That's why so many didn't vote for him this round. The argument hasn't changed. People have tried to make so many false things stick on him, because people straight hate the man. Trump is arrogant, proud, unrepentant, brash, and crude. No debating it. I'll readily accept all the accusations of his moral failings. Who knows how many more there are? But, what is my alternative in voting in a president? The liberal platform is HEINOUS! The modern Democratic Party isn't the Democratic Party of 25 years ago... it has been taken over by marxists and pagans.
When you ask about what Trump policies he enacted that affected anyone here negatively, you will hear crickets. If you say covid was Trump's fault, you are deluded. In fact, he's the only one calling out China over it. Biden wouldn't ever do that.
The Democratic ticket is all emotion-based and a spirit of covetousness, sloth, and sensuality. Socialism is legalized covetousness. "I don't have as much as you, so you have to give it to me...let's take a vote." Forced reallocation of resources is NOT Biblical. There was a reason that God said not to move the property boundary lines...personal property is biblical. In the book of Acts (the socialist's favorite passages) the believers VOLUNTARILY gave of their goods to others. It wasn't compulsion. A crooked government has not earned my trust to give them more power or money. Can anyone not see that bigger government and the liberal economic theory doesn't work anywhere?
Trump isn't my savior, he isn't a role model I want anyone to follow in nearly any aspect, but he did exactly what he said he would do, and you know exactly what you get with him. He does what he feels is best, despite those who question him. He has consistently supported Christians (as previously stated). He protects the citizens from foreign attacks and calls a spade a spade. He tries to end wars. He stops paying countries from our funds that are not allies. It isn't as if the other politicians don't do all kinds of dirty things behind the scenes...Obama campaign spying, Hunter Biden (please tell me anyone thinks this was an ethical thing and not based on who Joe Biden is, please).
He wasn't hired to be a morally great figure (I didn't vote for anyone in 16) but to run the country. If you think that Joe Biden is anymore ethical, you have been blinded. There is no question who is more competent to run the country... Please tell me a senile (sadly) old man who can't even put two sentences together without a teleprompter is a great candidate. He was chosen to be a puppet. I do believe the Lord has given our country over to wickedness as judgment, but He could also restore us just as easy (and such is my prayer). My hope isn't in Trump. It's in Christ alone. However, I'm going to vote for the candidate that desires the unborn life to be protected and for freedom of speech and religion!
The Gospel is this: We are all disqualified for heaven. We have all sinned. The 10 commandments leave us all in trouble. Jesus actually made it more apparent: If you have looked with lust, you have committed adultery. If you have hated someone in your heart, you have murdered them....That's why the father sent Jesus. We are all fallen and lawless. Jesus paid the fine, which was our death that we could live with him. He now demands all men to repent (change their mind) and surrender to his Lordship. Trust in him and leave the ways of the world behind, and HE WILL TRANSFORM YOU! He will give you a love for Him and people you never thought possible.
Christianity isn't about us being perfect, it's about Jesus being perfect. It isn't "do this, don't do this" It's about DONE. Jesus Finished it. Receive the gift and take up your cross and follow Jesus.