Republicans love to enrich the military industrial complex. Exactly what Eisenhower warned us about.
A moderate would understand this.
A moderate would be able to recognize having people walk around Walmart or Starbucks with an AR15 is not a good thing.
A moderate should be wise enough to understand that our current corporate health insurance system is adding massive costs to health care like all unnecessary middle men.
Some people think moderate means “don’t change anything dramatically”. That ain’t it.
Moderates would admit that the top 5% are not paying their fair share.
Extreme righties enjoy calling themselves moderates. They are anything, but.
I agree the Military Industrial complex is a Huge Beast.....and needs to be more efficient that it is now. But to some degree it's a necessary beast. I'm all for cutting out the Grift and BS waste. And making it more transparent....But we also need to maintain the Leading edge in all aspects of a War Machine.
Walking around with a AR-15 is no different than having a Hand Gun or Knife on a person for protection...I've posted the Statistical data from the FBI on multiple occasions.....Fist,Clubs,Knives, and Hand guns deaths dwarf AR-15 deaths. So any fear that comes from them being on a person is irrational and ginned up by the MSM. A moderate understands data and logic as opposed to emotional fear and illogic.
A moderate understands that that Gov. healthcare doesn't even begin to pay the Cost of the services provided to those people who receive them. Thus Healthcare Providers Robber Barron the Insurance companies by over inflating the price of services to shift money to cover the procedures from Gov. Health care and non-pays who walk away scot free.
Sure the Middle man and profit margin moves the premium's and deductible upwards. But if the dead weight didn't get free Cadillac services then those footing the bill would be getting those Cadillac services at a much reduced rate. And that a Gov. waste and corruption would not be better in a Medicare for all system. I find it Ironic that you attack the Military Industrial complex, but think that a Gov. Medical complex would be any better or efficient....I mean look at the VA Health system. That is a exact copy of what we would get....heck it would probably be worse as it would be bigger and even less efficient than the VA now. Any gov. ran system from Amtrak,FEMA,EPA to the Military is always a freaking bastion for Grift, waste and corruption. Public Healthcare will not be any different.
I agree the 5% should pay more....I just understand that isn't going to happen, they control the system, and all the Institutions....the difference between you and me is that you actually think the Dem's are any different than the Pub's in that regard.