Are the liberals moving farther left that the Pubs are moving right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2005
Home of the Cubs!!

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So the question is WHY? Let’s break it down by each topic:

1. Guns: we have more guns than we have people in the USA. How many people in your community owned a weapon as powerful as an AR-15 when you were a kid?
How many Va techs and Sandy Hooks happened in the 1990s? Did you own a huge magazine when you were a teenager?
Hand guns can rapidly shoot dozens of rounds in a minute. Did we have that?
In the 1970s, was the NRA ok with background checks? Yes. They were. Of course people have moved left. It’s out of control.

2. Taxes: in the 70s-90s, did the top 1% own this much wealth? No. Not since 1919 has there been such inequality. In the 50s the top tax bracket was 70%. Now day care workers pay a higher % than billionaires. Of course people moved left. It’s out of control.

3. Religion: people have finally decided it’s ok to admit you are a non believer. This is true across the globe. Atheists and agnostics just kept their mouths shut for decades. Of course people moved left. They finally safe to do so.

4. Abortion: state after state have shut down and limited abortion clinics to one or zero in many states. Are you telling me the lefties moved further left than the righties have moved? Ridiculous.
Poor guy, #4 on your list is about to be struck down. Slight set back to the lefts murder campaign (predominately black children). Let me know if you need some tissues
There will still be abortions. Just not safe ones. Nice work.
So the question is WHY? Let’s break it down by each topic:

1. Guns: we have more guns than we have people in the USA. How many people in your community owned a weapon as powerful as an AR-15 when you were a kid?
How many Va techs and Sandy Hooks happened in the 1990s? Did you own a huge magazine when you were a teenager?
Hand guns can rapidly shoot dozens of rounds in a minute. Did we have that?
In the 1970s, was the NRA ok with background checks? Yes. They were. Of course people have moved left. It’s out of control.

2. Taxes: in the 70s-90s, did the top 1% own this much wealth? No. Not since 1919 has there been such inequality. In the 50s the top tax bracket was 70%. Now day care workers pay a higher % than billionaires. Of course people moved left. It’s out of control.

3. Religion: people have finally decided it’s ok to admit you are a non believer. This is true across the globe. Atheists and agnostics just kept their mouths shut for decades. Of course people moved left. They finally safe to do so.

4. Abortion: state after state have shut down and limited abortion clinics to one or zero in many states. Are you telling me the lefties moved further left than the righties have moved? Ridiculous.
First off most gun deaths are suicide and come from men....13,000ish death by guns from violence is a who gives fudge number and moment, you have a greater chance of getting hit by a bus than dying from a gun. 6.2 gun murders per 100,000 in 2020....7.4 Gun murders per 100,000 in 1974....Nobody is against sane and legal background checks. If people are moving left because of the fear of AR-15 which kill fewer people than Hand, Feet, Clubs and Knifes then the MSM and DEM's are ginning up lies and Propaganda to do so. Gun deaths are statistical zero in causes of deaths nation wide..

2) It's only natural for those who are bent to be jealous and envious to worry or concern themselves about a few 1%% wealth as being to much or unfair.. of course the jealous and envious want a piece of the pie they didn't help bake. But it's immoral clearly. The top 40% of earners pay the most taxes.

3) What data do you have that says Atheist and Agnostics lean Left? Or they have now have moved farther left into state ran fascist ideals....OH wait yeah Nazi where anti-religion Atheist my bad you are correct.

4) Most Red states have as you said a lot of restrictions already on Abortion that basically makes it really hard to get them only around 4,000 happen in Mo. a year and you do know there is only ONE abortion clinic in Missouri right...and in general the Population of those states are in favor of tight restrictions on Abortion, if the SC kicks the decision back to letting the states decide nothing will really change as most Pro Abortion Leftist live in Blue area's anyhow I doubt that abortion is changing peoples mind or moving the needle more left wing. Do you see a moderate Blue Dog dem going full Radical Socialist anti-capitalist because states can decide on abortion?

I'd say Right wing people have not moved much....they always was against Abortion, Always 2A strong it was never a issue until the MSM made it one, and conservatives are usually not concerned about how much taxes the Rich are paying. So how as the Right moved more right?
Do you think he could show her the child and it’s heart that is in her body but not part of her body?
To answer the question, both parties have growing extreme factions that the rank and file members do not identify with the extreme ideals. The number of people identifying as Independents is growing as many people (myself included) are dissatisfied with both parties. Approximately 45% of voters now claim to be Independent, including 47% of left leaning and 42% of right leaning voters. There is a split in both parties.
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What are the extreme ideals that we can all agree to not support? From both sides.

Ok. So help me identify which Dems are for actually for completely open borders and I will ridicule the hell out of them. Has anyone written a bill to do that?

To me, any GOPer who went along with cutting taxes for billionaires when the economy was on a roll are extremists.
That’s pretty much all of them.
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I don’t know about that. In January time reported the average sentencing to be 45 days. There has been one acquittal so far. Maybe the real bad guys haven’t had their day in court?

Geez anyone who still denies police officers were physically attacked on Jan 6 is delusional!!! Take off the blinders!!!!!!!
Geez anyone who still denies police officers were physically attacked on Jan 6 is delusional!!! Take off the blinders!!!!!!!
Did I deny? Scroll up to review. I only stated the facts. There is a difference in assault and deadly assault.
140 police injured January 6th. Over 2,000 during the George Floyd riots.
Any of the officers struck with resulting concussions and stitches could have been a fatal blow.

I am not defending rioters on either side or the police that murdered George Floyd.
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Oh, you borders, mounting an insurrection when you lose an election
Taking away the Right to own the Best Self defense weapon in America. Might start with that insane and extreme stated action from the Left.
Clearly you know very little about guns. Why does the Military issue rifles as opposed to sidearms? Becoming proficient with a Hand Gun is harder and more detailed than becoming more proficient with a Rifle. A AR15 style weapon is much easier to shoot and has less recovery time for faster follow up shots and way better accuracy. Also capacity is limited with a Handgun, way more than with a Ar15 and in a abnormal stressful situation having mag capacity is a must and necessary.

To claim a 9mm pistol will defend as easy as a AR15 is so inaccurate it shows how little you must know about guns. I own Both and While a 9mm is easier to carry and conceal.....give me and almost anyone, there are exception, a Ar15 style weapon to fire for accuracy and ease. The very platform was designed for the every man/woman to pick up and use with reliable proficiency. Handguns require a lot more range and training time to reach that level proficiency.

Besides Pistols kill a lot more people than A15 so why take them away.....oh yeah because if you can ban a safe and reliable self defense weapon that isn't dangerous ....then later on it won't be as hard to ban handguns and then all guns.
I'm not a gun guy. But OK, I know a 12 gauge shot gun can stop any human being and you don't have to be that accurate, I'm sure they come with 3-5 round clips. Besides, 9mm also have multi round clips. I haven't shot a gun in probably 30 years, and I can guarantee you I could hit a person within 50 feet of me with either!!!

Your argument is weak. You and your weekend warrior buddies will never convince me and most common sense Americans that AR 15 are necessary for self defense. Nothing more than a phallic symbol for wanna be bad asses with repressed inferiority complex!! But they are great for mass killings!!
I'm not a gun guy. But OK, I know a 12 gauge shot gun can stop any human being and you don't have to be that accurate, I'm sure they come with 3-5 round clips. Besides, 9mm also have multi round clips. I haven't shot a gun in probably 30 years, and I can guarantee you I could hit a person within 50 feet of me with either!!!

Your argument is weak. You and your weekend warrior buddies will never convince me and most common sense Americans that AR 15 are necessary for self defense. Nothing more than a phallic symbol for wanna be bad asses with repressed inferiority complex!! But they are great for mass killings!!
I'd be willing to put a moving target at 50 feet and give you both guns and see how accurate you are. This ain't the movies. And a 12 gauge being deadly and accurate is shot dependent....birdshot, buck shot and the type of load. You really don't know much about this subject. And my Weekend Warrior buddies are retired Marines/Army Infantry and U.S. Marshalls.

I'm not trying to convince you to change your mind because you will ignore data and facts to maintain your cultish beliefs. A AR15 is without a doubt the best home defense weapon at this time. I think its funny you talk up a shotgun that has a pattern that spreads and cannot be controlled as a better choice than a AR15 that can put a round on point doing less collateral damage in a close quarter sitting.
The legality of assault rifles isn't a political priority to me. I've never owned a gun, and never had a need for one. An advantage to living in the country is I don't have to worry about being robbed or attacked. I'm not anti gun, I've thought about start hunting small game in retirement.

It scared me when it came out years ago about how ARs could be turned into
automatics with a simple adjustment. I don't even know if that's still possible, but common sense tells me there is no need for an automatic rifle with a 30 round clip. The world is full if idiots and that's asking for trouble!!

Sorry, the majority of Americans agree with me!!!
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Bed pan Bobby doesn’t understand Psych 101

The feelings, weaknesses, desires, and frustrations that one tries to overcompensate for could either be real or imagined, and could involve both, personal and physical inferiority.
The legality of assault rifles isn't a political priority to me. I've never owned a gun, and never had a need for one. An advantage to living in the country is I don't have to worry about being robbed or attacked. I'm not anti gun, I've thought about start hunting small game in retirement.

It scared me when it came out years ago about how ARs could be turned into
automatics with a simple adjustment. I don't even know if that's still possible, but common sense tells me there is no need for an automatic rifle with a 30 round clip. The world is full if idiots and that's asking for trouble!!

Sorry, the majority of Americans agree with me!!!
I've linked this several times to you but that isn't even possible and never was. That was just BS propaganda. The internal operating system isn't even the same. A Ar15 can't be made into fully automatic.

There is no need for fast cars, amusement rides, zip lines, legalized Marijuana either..... so if a 30 round clip shouldn't be allowed why not those other deadly things? Again AR15 kills less people than Knifes, Clubs, Fist and Feet so just because Americans have Zero Common sense when it comes to data and facts, you shouldn't outlaw something.

I have no issue that Americans agreeing with you, thank God the Constitution and the 2nd amendment keeps the rights of those who are sane intact.
Bed pan Bobby doesn’t understand Psych 101

The feelings, weaknesses, desires, and frustrations that one tries to overcompensate for could either be real or imagined, and could involve both, personal and physical inferiority.
Poor Toots has no self reflection and doesn't even realize he is projecting. His knowledge of psychology is very comes from daytime talk shows clearly.

I can easily diagnose your mental Axis if you want....your not a complex individual at all. Coming from the educational realm you fit into the average Intellectual Quotient. You have need for overt control based on excessive underlying anxiety issues, you clearly have self esteem problems this is obvious in the fact you needed a easily controllable and captive young audience to self aggrandize in front of, a audience that mostly had no recourse to disagree, a demographic easily swayed to your bent message with young pliable minds eager to please your grandiose message, of course this gave you a internal sense of accomplishment and boosted your lagging self esteem.

My analysis is further backed up by your style of posting on this board. The constant demeaning comments to try and tear down another person at the personal level to elevate your own self worth ie....get the so called win by attacking personally in a effort to elevate your own feelings of inadequacy by verbally degrading another shows a stunted and juvenile temperament... You do this of course because being challenged by actual adults with thinking and logical minds wears on the persona that you have manifested over the years to cover up your deficiency's.

I'm sure you have masked well your whole life behind a facade that you projected in the public eye to maintain your professional status. This is often the case when one exhibits these mental disposition....along with not maintaining long term relationships via friends or companions. Not always the case but it is not rare.

Obviously what you have exposed on this board is a open window to your true character and your underlying psychological make up.

The above post is Exhibit A and clear evidence of your need to build up your lack of self worth by using violent verbal attacks on others. It's your only recourse to maintain your impeded personality traits. I do have pity for you.
There is no need for fast cars, amusement rides, zip lines, legalized Marijuana either.
and can you drive your car 100 mph down the road.? Common sense laws and regulations puts limits on our rights. According to your strict interpretation, our constitutional rights are being violated because we can't own nuclear weapons. Even the writers of the constitution agreed that it was intended to be a growing and evolving document.
and can you drive your car 100 mph down the road.? Common sense laws and regulations puts limits on our rights. According to your strict interpretation, our constitutional rights are being violated because we can't own nuclear weapons. Even the writers of the constitution agreed that it was intended to be a growing and evolving document.
Laws put limits on privileges....Rights should not be restricted. And please the Nuclear Weapons hyperbole is going to the extreme, background checks are fine but limiting other gun rights is ineffective and just a emotional feel good box check.

What you consider common sense is not at all logical.

AR15 and 30 round mags's are less dangerous than Your Feet, Hands, Clubs and Knifes. The Odds of being Assaulted by any gun is 1-315 the odds of being in a mass shooting are 1-11,125 so how in the heck is it common sense to want to outlaw or restrict something that isn't a problem? Sure the MSM and Certain people want to erode gun rights and eventually confiscate them in mass. But that Constitution get's in the way.

If you want to evolve the constitution there is a legit process in doing so...good luck with getting the Necessary Red States to go along with that. All Blue Area's where Gun Violence is very very Prominent Wash.DC/Chicago etc. have very Restrictive Gun Laws and how is that working out?

If your concern is Mass shooting which really are not a problem...unless you label any shooting that involve more than one person a mass shooting....which is now what some entities are doing to gin up fear...but I digress. If you want to really stop the very uncommon mass shooting with AR15 weapons, simply allow Mental healthcare officials to contact the proper authorities, most of the shooters are already on their Radar. Many of these shooters where on the Police Radar as well but for some odd reason they are not taken seriously.

Now I'm not for Red Flag laws a brother in Law, a Ex-wife or a disgruntled Employee shouldn't be able to trigger some type of invasion of rights. But if a Person is truly unfit to own a gun then let those who are trained do so.

But you know we never take the common sense approach. We want to believe that by restricting something to the law abiding citizens will stop a highly motivated mentally imbalanced person from engaging in a act of violence. That has never been the case at all and never will be.
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Guess what the fugitive Alabama prisoner and female prison guard were carrying??? BINGO an AR 15
Talk about righties going extreme:

In the Roe v Wade draft opinion, Alito invoked 17th century jurist Matthew Hale, who had women put to death for witchcraft, and believed that women had no ownership over their own bodies.

According to Hale, women belonged to their fathers until they were married, at which point they became the property of their husbands. Alito’s invocation of Hale did not sit well with anyone with historical knowledge.
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I'd be willing to put a moving target at 50 feet and give you both guns and see how accurate you are. This ain't the movies. And a 12 gauge being deadly and accurate is shot dependent....birdshot, buck shot and the type of load. You really don't know much about this subject. And my Weekend Warrior buddies are retired Marines/Army Infantry and U.S. Marshalls.

I'm not trying to convince you to change your mind because you will ignore data and facts to maintain your cultish beliefs. A AR15 is without a doubt the best home defense weapon at this time. I think its funny you talk up a shotgun that has a pattern that spreads and cannot be controlled as a better choice than a AR15 that can put a round on point doing less collateral damage in a close quarter sitting.

I'd maybe argue that on the inside of the home, a shotgun would be far preferable for preventing the collateral damage that is much more likely to happen with a rifle round, a.k.a. killing your spouse or children accidentally. Hitting the stuff in my house with a stray pellet that won't be lethal even if it does penetrate a surface wouldn't concern me; in that situation, only the humans matter.

For a situation outside the home with any kind of distance shot, a shotgun isn't terribly useful other than for noise that might be scary to an intruder, and I would definitely prefer a rifle.

Also, if I have a house that has a bunch of 50 foot shots available, I've probably hired security guards to take care of that stuff because I'm filthy rich.
I'd maybe argue that on the inside of the home, a shotgun would be far preferable for preventing the collateral damage that is much more likely to happen with a rifle round, a.k.a. killing your spouse or children accidentally. Hitting the stuff in my house with a stray pellet that won't be lethal even if it does penetrate a surface wouldn't concern me; in that situation, only the humans matter.

For a situation outside the home with any kind of distance shot, a shotgun isn't terribly useful other than for noise that might be scary to an intruder, and I would definitely prefer a rifle.

Also, if I have a house that has a bunch of 50 foot shots available, I've probably hired security guards to take care of that stuff because I'm filthy rich.
I guess you are using birdshot as your shell of choice for home protection? That can be a good choice an effective to a degree if you use a very powerful birdshot load. But most people use buck shot as their choice for home defense in shotguns it's very lethal and effective in a hallway or room but when those stray balls go flying threw the sheet rock do to over penetration and hit someone sleeping or watching TV in the Next room to me having a Gun that is very accurate per round is a better option.. hitting the target with better accuracy is safer and more effective than point and spray and pray.

I'd still take a low recoil, 16 inch barreled AR15 with a Red dot sight or a EOTECH optic that you can literally be placed on a target and the round will hit on the dot. A 20+ inch barrel shotgun that is hard to maneuver in tight quarters with massive recoil and possible over penetration with a buck shot load is not my defense weapon of choice.

I use to be in the Shotgun camp for home defense and tout it up to everyone but I educated myself over time and decided there was better choices available.

I guess you are using birdshot as your shell of choice for home protection? That can be a good choice an effective to a degree if you use a very powerful birdshot load. But most people use buck shot as their choice for home defense in shotguns it's very lethal and effective in a hallway or room but when those stray balls go flying threw the sheet rock do to over penetration and hit someone sleeping or watching TV in the Next room to me having a Gun that is very accurate per round is a better option.. hitting the target with better accuracy is safer and more effective than point and spray and pray.

I'd still take a low recoil, 16 inch barreled AR15 with a Red dot sight or a EOTECH optic that you can literally be placed on a target and the round will hit on the dot. A 20+ inch barrel shotgun that is hard to maneuver in tight quarters with massive recoil and possible over penetration with a buck shot load is not my defense weapon of choice.

I use to be in the Shotgun camp for home defense and tout it up to everyone but I educated myself over time and decided there was better choices available.

In reality, I guess I'm not the jumping-at-shadows type. My guns are for recreation. If they were used for self-defense on the 2% chance that my home is invaded, it would be incidental. So I have birdshot because I shoot birds rather than premeditating a killing that is 98% unlikely. It would be more than useful if the situation called for it. Incidentally, I also have several rifles of various types and several handguns of various types ( including one with red dot sights, in fact), so I'm probably covered, but I do appreciate the advice.

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