Anyone think

Young healthy people are getting sick too. But lets make sure these 1% stocks dont go down anymore


Yes but most are surviving...and really this isn't about a 1% stock loss...I'm not invested in the rich and their stocks...but I am worried about the little guy working in branson in seasonal employment, or the guy who is in debt for his dream micro brewery who must shut his doors, or the same girl who opened her Gym for women. Or the waitress who makes Good money in Tips who no longer can....

Yeah priorities is what I'm concerned about....
We don't KNOW where the count will be or would have been.
You really like the what if game. You can win any argument that way.
We know it can only be worse than it is. And we have very smart people who are studying this who are making the best estimates available. That is what our policy makers should rely on. Not whatever I scribble on paper in 30 seconds. Not whatever you dream up tonight.
We know it can only be worse than it is. And we have very smart people who are studying this who are making the best estimates available. That is what our policy makers should rely on. Not whatever I scribble on paper in 30 seconds. Not whatever you dream up tonight.
I just saw that a coupe of sailors on an aircraft carrier have tested positive. Also that there is some politicians worried this could shut down the postal service.

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