Anybody see the Colorado Pot story on 60 Minutes?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2002
They said the money used in the industry is ALL cash. Everybody pays in cash at the stores and the stores pay their employees and all of their bills in cash. The reason for that is pot is still illegal by federal law so no bank will take any of that money for fear the feds might swoop in someday and take it all. If you something to become corrupted just make it an all cash business.

For those of you that think most people will buy their pot and go home to smoke it, eat it or whatever, you should have seen the big parties and clubs they have where people have come up with some very creative/strange ways to get high with it. They also said today's pot is TEN TIMES stronger than what most people remember from the 70's.

They also said it is NOT stopping the illegal pot trade because it's much more expensive to buy it legally than from the black market guy around the corner. The legal stuff is taxed at 28% and has MANY expensive tracking devices and safe guards to keep it from being shipped across state lines.
That was an interesting story..
I noted that residents can buy larger quantities than tourists.

Two of my in-laws have moved there from Missouri since
it was made legal. Bahahaha
I would think that they are living day to day because as soon as the wrong people get elected the plug will be pulled
It's really dumb that pot isn't legal in the US.

lol I was about two seconds away from trying to get some for my old man when he was getting rough with cancer. I wonder how that conversation would have went.
You really think legalizing pot that is 10 times stronger than the stuff I saw people smoking in the 70's is a good thing? The stuff they had made them completely goofy and NOT in control of anything they were doing. The ways they have come up with to get your high is just crazy. They have in all kinds of food and even drinks now. I could go along legalizing it for medical reason IF that is controlled a lot better than it is now.

This post was edited on 1/13 8:31 AM by 3Rfan
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
You really think legalizing pot that is 10 times stronger than the stuff I saw people smoking in the 70's is a good thing? The stuff they had made them completely goofy and NOT in control of anything they were doing. The ways they have come up with to get your high is just crazy. They have in all kinds of food and even drinks now. I could go along legalizing it for medical reason IF that is controlled a lot better than it is now.

This post was edited on 1/13 8:31 AM by 3Rfan
Because not legalizing it has stopped people from smoking it. It's pretty much readily available anywhere. I haven't smoked pot since I was in college, seems like an amateur thing to do at this point in my life, but I see no harm in allowing others to enjoy.

No different than drinking responsibly.

Way bigger drug issues in America than to be worried about pot.
There is no responsible way to use pot pot. If this stuff is 10 times stronger than what people were using in the 70's there is NO WAY they can use it without getting higher than a kite. Do you think all the people at the pot club party they showed on 60 Minutes had someone to drive them home? Most people for it on here said that people would buy it to take home and sit on the couch and mellow out. That is obviously NOT what is going on in Colorado. BTW drinking and driving is still illegal.
I don't understand wanting to make something else legal that we know can cause and lead to worse problems. Saying there's worse things than pot that are legal now is a horrible excuse. Why add to problems we already have?
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
There is no responsible way to use pot pot. If this stuff is 10 times stronger than what people were using in the 70's there is NO WAY they can use it without getting higher than a kite. Do you think all the people at the pot club party they showed on 60 Minutes had someone to drive them home? Most people for it on here said that people would buy it to take home and sit on the couch and mellow out. That is obviously NOT what is going on in Colorado. BTW drinking and driving is still illegal.
1. Where is this 10 times stronger info coming from?
2. Everybody that shows up to a bar and drinks drives home?

Seems like a lot of unproven assumptions.
Originally posted by oldroundballer:
I don't understand wanting to make something else legal that we know can cause and lead to worse problems. Saying there's worse things than pot that are legal now is a horrible excuse. Why add to problems we already have?
Worse problems? Like what? A shortage of doritos? We are wasting tax dollars on this war on drugs. If somebody wants to smoke in their house, let them. If they drive high, then throw the book at them.
This law doesn't say they can only smoke in their house, that's a very silly thing to say. The 10 times stronger info has been widely reported and was reported on the 60 minutes story with the owner of a big growing operation sitting right there.
I would beg to differ with many of your assumptions 3r. If we are going to assume, I choose to assume that it would be mind blowing if all the people that smoke pot came out of the closet you would find many of them to be very successful in their careers and professions. A law like the ones sweeping across the nation are not being voted in by the munchy eating, couch sitting, dopers alone. If as you say the product is 10 times better than street pot then those professionals and people with a functioning brain will adjust their intake. Just about everything when done in excess can be bad or kill you.
This post was edited on 1/13 11:51 AM by vbsideout
I didn't say it's stronger the current street pot. I said it's stronger than the stuff they had when I was a high school kid watching people smoke that junk. Have you ever seen anybody smoke pot and not get high? They don't smoke it because it tastes better than Marlboro, they smoke it to get high. They have a gazillion variations of ways to partake of it without smoking it now.
lol B&G 3r it is happening not sure what I can tell you that would change your mind. You talk like these people are bad and I am just telling you that you would be surprised just how many people and who those people are and what they do for a living. Many live very successful lives.
war on drugs is just great pork for the military-prison complex at this point in time. It is a tremendous waste of tax dollars.
Vb I have no illusions about pot users being poor people who don't have a job and don't want one. I don't think it should be legal for rich folks either. It is a mind altering drug that cannot be used in moderation to keep them from getting high.
I have no problem with you being against it's legalization, but your thoughts on it not being able to use it in moderation are wrong. I have no scientific link to send you to but it is very much like alcohol and the amount of consumption. The more you put into your system the more it affects.
In high school I saw kids drink beer and other forms alcohol. Most of the time their intent was to get drunk but it took them a while unless they were new at it. I also saw them smoke pot and it didn't much at all for them be highly impaired. Many people drink alcohol when they go out to eat or at party without getting goofy. I know many of them would be impaired by law as far as driving goes but they would not be falling down drunk. Anyone I've ever seen smoke pot were the equivalent of falling down drunk in very short order and they were passing around one joint among 4 or 5 people. If this stuff is 10 times stronger than that was I can't imagine it takes much of it to get them giggly and goofy and not in control at all.
I think what it comes down to is Vbsideout agreed with me on a topic and that makes a good start of 2015.

If the weed is 10x stronger, then smoke less. Problem solved.

I worked with a guy that smoked every morning and was perfectly fine. He did it because it was one of the few things that made his stomach feel better.(He had a weird issue of throwing up).

So you're wrong.
Your high school memories are failing you. If someone was falling down because of 1 joint then they probably had too much to drink. We can go on and on about this, but the bottom line is that you are just wrong! I am sure that you think that I am probably wrong so we will have agree to disagree. Amount consumed and strength of weed does matter thus you can control your high just like alcohol. Some people might just need 1 or 2 hits to get desired high as some might just want 1 or 2 drinks during a meal.
This post was edited on 1/14 11:07 AM by vbsideout
There YOU said it, they get the "desired high." If they desire to get high they should not be unleashed on the rest of us in a car. So we will agree to disagree.
Originally posted by vbsideout:

Your high school memories are failing you. If someone was falling down because of 1 joint then they probably had too much to drink. We can go on and on about this, but the bottom line is that you are just wrong! I am sure that you think that I am probably wrong so we will have agree to disagree. Amount consumed and strength of weed does matter thus you can control your high just like alcohol. Some people might just need 1 or 2 hits to get desired high as some might just want 1 or 2 drinks during a meal.

This post was edited on 1/14 11:07 AM by vbsideout
I never saw any of them fall down. Most were to f'd up to get up and walk around. It may not have that effect on all people but I saw it ruin some lives in school. More than drinking before you all comment.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
There YOU said it, they get the "desired high." If they desire to get high they should not be unleashed on the rest of us in a car. So we will agree to disagree.
What about a desire to get drunk? You do realize you can't legally drive a car while high right?
Originally posted by Black&Gold82:

Originally posted by vbsideout:

Your high school memories are failing you. If someone was falling down because of 1 joint then they probably had too much to drink. We can go on and on about this, but the bottom line is that you are just wrong! I am sure that you think that I am probably wrong so we will have agree to disagree. Amount consumed and strength of weed does matter thus you can control your high just like alcohol. Some people might just need 1 or 2 hits to get desired high as some might just want 1 or 2 drinks during a meal.

This post was edited on 1/14 11:07 AM by vbsideout
I never saw any of them fall down. Most were to f'd up to get up and walk around. It may not have that effect on all people but I saw it ruin some lives in school. More than drinking before you all comment.
Most of the people that had a drug problem, had a drinking problem as well. Addictive personalities. On the flip side you would be surprised at the people that smoke pot in their home, without others ever knowing it.
You guys must hang around more pot heads than me because I have seldom seen someone on pot act, drive, or anything else worst than a drunk!

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