The way both parties have let the extremist on each side is mind blowing to me. How either party couldn't come up with a candidate and VP in their mid 50's who is articulate, bright, has some basic beliefs on border security, economy, health care, and is willing to be civil to the other side is mind blowing to me. Instead we have two 80 year old rich white dudes. Amazing
The way both parties have let the extremist on each side is mind blowing to me. How either party couldn't come up with a candidate and VP in their mid 50's who is articulate, bright, has some basic beliefs on border security, economy, health care, and is willing to be civil to the other side is mind blowing to me. Instead we have two 80 year old rich white dudes. Amazing
Preach!! I can never wrap my mind around it.
In spite of this, both sides are still not the same. If you want the federal government to be destroyed and constant turmoil, vote for Trump. If you don’t, vote for Biden. You can continue to bitch and moan, but the only way to end this is to get rid of Trump.
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In your opinion, why has a 3rd party never taken off? I feel like there are more people in the middle than there are on the far right or left.
Do you think the “far left” has control of the Democratic Party? I see a Joe Biden-status quo candidate and a Donald Trump-re-classify government employees and unitarily take command of most of the federal government far right regime.
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Do you think the “far left” has control of the Democratic Party? I see a Joe Biden-status quo candidate and a Donald Trump-re-classify government employees and unitarily take command of most of the federal government far right regime.
Yes I do
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Trust me, if the “far left” was in charge their proposals would be far more extreme. Bernie Sanders is far left. They aren’t proposing the things he wants. No one is pushing for actual open borders or completely unlimited abortions or returning the highest tax brackets to the Eisenhower administration when the middle class was the strongest it has ever been.

Nixon’s platform was far closer to today’s Dems than to the plans.
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Trust me, if the “far left” was in charge their proposals would be far more extreme. Bernie Sanders is far left. They aren’t proposing the things he wants. No one is pushing for actual open borders or completely unlimited abortions or returning the highest tax brackets to the Eisenhower administration when the middle class was the strongest it has ever been.

Nixon’s platform was far closer to today’s Dems than to the plans.
I shouldn't say they are controlling the Democratic Party, but the Dems are hitching their wagons to some of the far left issues to get their vote IMO. I think for most people it comes down to one or two items and they are voting a certain way just because of those items regardless of any other issue.
I shouldn't say they are controlling the Democratic Party, but the Dems are hitching their wagons to some of the far left issues to get their vote IMO. I think for most people it comes down to one or two items and they are voting a certain way just because of those items regardless of any other issue.
I vote for democracy..!
In your opinion, why has a 3rd party never taken off? I feel like there are more people in the middle than there are on the far right or left.
I think that the D's and R's hate a 3rd party more than they hate each other, and if it's just those two, they at least know their enemy. Also the money these parties have and can raise make it difficult for a 3rd party to break the ranks. Obv with all the billionaires these days, one of them could fund it by themselves, but if you are a billionaire, why would you give up your jet set lifestyle to go fight the D's and R's, fight healthcare, taxes, etc.
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One guy donated 50 million to Trump and also millions to RFK to help Trump. Mike Bloomberg donated $20 million to Biden.

Common people have no voice in the U.S. government with Citizens United being the law of the land. Sanders pushed to have citizens United overturned and even he doesn’t bring it up much any more.
One guy donated 50 million to Trump and also millions to RFK to help Trump. Mike Bloomberg donated $20 million to Biden.

Common people have no voice in the U.S. government with Citizens United being the law of the land. Sanders pushed to have citizens United overturned and even he doesn’t bring it up much any more.
I said this the other day, but the way to level things out is make a national election pool, and give the parties $500 million or whatever figure, and let them spend it however they think. Don't allow any contributions, chicken dinners for 10's of thousands of dollars, nothing. Obv it would be impossible to police but the theory works.
He made so much money off his presidency.
Hell he bought a hotel in DC specifically to get international visitors to pay thru the nose. Once he lost in 2020, he sold the hotel.

And how much did the feds pay for rooms and golf carts to his clubs for the secret service for 4 years. Now he charges the SS for flying in his plane.


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