2014 it is. That is the first year they show games in MSHSAA.I believe it was 2015.
Makes sense. Never even bothered to look at how 8 man was broken down when they rolled out the latest format.I think Worth County played an 11 man game against Bedford, IA. 10 point bonus maybe?
Probably not. Iowa has just one class of 8-man (only to be PC, they call it 8-Player).Perhaps they count as a larger class of 8 man in another state? Without doing the math, it wouldn't appear at a glance that there's that much difference in opponents record nor winning margin to make up for the loss.
Guess I'll have to pull out the ole spreadsheet.Probably not. Iowa has just one class of 8-man (only to be PC, they call it 8-Player).
Makes no sense.
Worth County is 4-1.
20 points for a win, 10 points for a loss divided by total games = 80 +10 / 5 = 18.
Worth County's opponents record is 8-13 not including games with Worth County.
20 points for a win, 10 points for a loss divided by total games = 160 + 130 / 21 = 13.81.
In Worth County's 4 wins, all were by 13 or more. Their 1 loss was by 8. ((13 * 4) - 8) / 5 = 8.8.
Apparently no Class multiplier.
Total points = 18 + 13.81 + 8.8 = 40.61. MSHSAA has it as 46.33.
Pattonsburg is 5-0
20 points for a win, 10 points for a loss divided by total games = 100 + 0 / 5 = 20.
Pattonsburg's opponents record is 7-12 not including games with Pattonsburg.
20 points for a win, 10 points for a loss divided by total games = 140 + 120 / 19 = 13.68.
In Pattonsburg's 5 wins, 4 were by 13 or more and 1 by 6. ((13 * 4) + 6) / 5 = 11.6.
Apparently no Class multiplier
Total points = 20 + 13.68 + 11.6 = 45.28. MSHSAA has it also at 45.28.
There were no overtime losses in either team's resume. Just a FYI, those count as 15 in both your record and opponents record calculations instead of a loss.
Only variable I see is the Bedford IA loss for Worth County. First, MSHSAA has no record listed for them (they are in fact 3-3 and I included that minus the Worth County win in their calculation above). If you take that out, the point total actually goes down to 40.55. Second, to get to 46.33, there's 5.72 missing. To get a Class multiplier to work, it would have to be 28.6 with their record included, or 28.9 without. Those are awarded in multiples of 10 in 11 man football per class, and calculated by total Class multiplier points / total games played. I don't know diddly-poo about Bedford IA, but I feel safe saying they are not worthy of almost 30 points in size differential compared to their Missouri counterparts.
I believe they do in 11 man. Still, it should be apples to apples in this case with both playing 8 man. Probably clerical error since the math works fine for Pattonsburg, and they actually are in #1 seed position.I was under the impression that you don’t get extra points if the team that you are playing is out of state. It’s treated as a same class game? Maybe that has been changed as well.
They must of recently dropped to 8 man in last few years. Town size is 1,500
Are we STILL talking 8 man football?? Wake me up when you all are done!!
I put this in Pick Em at the last minute. Interesting to note North Shelby has not lost a MO 8 man game............should they advance to the District title game THAT (at SW Livingston) could be one of the hardest to figure in this class all season.North Shelby hosts Orrick this week. Winner gets the 2 seed and the all important bye.
Most wide open 8-man year in recent memory.Safe to say I picked a good year to start paying some interest in the 8-man way of things.
How are we STILL talking about this?? Did we all wake up from our naps???MORE 8 man talk?? @BoosterBosko please respond
Yes, they were big and athletic. Strong in basketball and baseball as well. Stanberry was strong at that time as well.Didn't North Andrew win a couple of state titles not to long ago? Don't remember the coach but they dominated for a stretch.
Appleton City I think won 2-3 games last year and now are 8-0. Have been 8 man in the past and went back and forth. Liberal is 5-3? Lost in their district final last yearAny thoughts on the adjustment period for those who moved down? What's North Shelby on, year 3 or 4 now?
This will be an interesting district to watch. East Atchison(Tarkio w/Fairfax) is the obvious favorite, but could see them vs Mound City or North Andrew for the district title.District 4
1. Tarkio with Fairfax (8-0) 47.55
2. North Andrew (6-2) 41.07
3. Mound City with Craig (6-2) 39.98
4. South Holt with Nodaway-Holt (4-4) 32.02
5. Rock Port (4-4) 30.34
6. DeKalb (3-5) 24.18
7. Bishop LeBlond (2-5) 22.19
As someone who complained about leblond moving down seeing them in last in there district makes me second guess my thoughts on it. Seems like 8-man was the right place for them to play in.
Seeing North Shelby making it's debut in top's NWMO pick-em got me thinking about what others see as their shot this year? Apparently they have a stud two way player, and are solid in other key positions. Is there a long learing curve to switch from 11 to 8 man 'contending' program (say at least a strong semi appearance)? I'll hang up and listen.
Don't @me @BoosterBosko .
We have one resident poster who doesnt seem to like 8 man. I've never actually even seen an 8 man game. If a town(s) cannot honestly field an 11 man team and not expose the kids to injury, I'm all for it. 8 man gives kids the opportunity to play ball when they other wise might not. Now if the allegations I read on here are true, about schools dropping to 8 man because they cant win in 11 man, then I'm against 8 man.As someone who was openly against 8 man seeing Drexel appletoncity and Leblond all come in and only compete and not dominate I have definitely swung towards a fan of 8man and appreciate the discussion and attention you guys are giving it