8 man championships will stay with the 11 man

I feel like this isn't a good idea. There are much better options for the 8-man championship. Play it at Northwest or Mo West. Both have nice turf fields don't have to worry about wear and tear. Plus it is closer to most of the 8-man schools.
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no, you don't get it, if the 8 man game is going to spread, which it has since it was moved to the dome, it has to be seen by everyone, has to be on a equal footing with the others, when it was at northwest or mo west, yes it was closer but unless you were in the nw area you didn't know about 8 man, now we got schools all over the state, just missing the bootheel
Ok I see. Think about it that way it does make more since. I guess now we wait to expand to boot heel. If that'll ever happen.

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