7 of 8 wins by 21+ points

5 of those 8 wins came against unranked teams; 3 with records of 7-6 and 1 with a losing record of 6-7...

Talk about meh.
5 of those 8 wins came against unranked teams; 3 with records of 7-6 and 1 with a losing record of 6-7...

Talk about meh.

How many ranked team are there sir?
Several of the SEC teams are ranked and
they can't play each other. They were 3-1
against top 20 teams in these bowls. Try again.

Even the usual mindless SEC critics are smart enough to not comment on 8-2. But not Mitzi.
Oh ya! I forgot that one of the SEC's losses was against an unbanked team; thanks for reminding me!
You should stick to predicting that Ezekiel will never see the field at OSU. Your knowledge is second only to 3tweet.
You should stick to predicting that Ezekiel will never see the field at OSU. Your knowledge is second only to 3tweet.

And you only open your mouth after something happens then you act like "I told you so". Please give us your score prediction on BAMA vs. Clemson Duck oh knowledgeable one..
8-2 bucko. Most bowl wins EVER by any conference in a single season. Bahaha.
Part of that has to do with the fact that there are more bowls games this year (40) than any year in history (that's 80 teams out of 128); no wonder they had trouble finding enough eligible teams (there were only 35 bowls just two years ago...)
The SEC has ruled the bowl season in meaningful games. Pac 12 is second. The fact that Michigan St gets drubbed and Iowa embarrassed makes the entire bowl season and SEC dominant conference. Had either team competed there would be an argument. Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, LSU, MSU, Tennessee, Georgia, Ole Miss, with only two turds, Florida and Texas AM. It's all SEC this year.KState even making a bowl and playing Ark is a defenseless player issue.The Michigan win over Florida is the lone impressive win in the Big 10. OSU over a depleted Notre Dame is a joke. The Clemson win over OU and the Stanford win over Iowa are the two in the PAC.
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And you only open your mouth after something happens then you act like "I told you so". Please give us your score prediction on BAMA vs. Clemson Duck oh knowledgeable one..
Ya right! He only plays the results :D
Part of that has to do with the fact that there are more bowls games this year (40) than any year in history (that's 80 teams out of 128); no wonder they had trouble finding enough eligible teams (there were only 35 bowls just two years ago...)

Keep trying. Maybe you can find a decent argument to discredit 8-2. You haven't found one yet. Oregon was up 31-0 until their QB and center got dinged and the HC didn't have back ups ready to play. Definitely a choke by the coaching staff. Doesn't upset me though . It was finally a competitive bowl game.
Ya right! He only plays the results :D

People who think they can predict football games are the ones paying for those tall buildings in Vegas. Not me. And I don't root against my home state school even though I also like other programs. People who do that are pathetic. 8-2. 7 games by 21+. That's all.
The SEC has ruled the bowl season in meaningful games. Pac 12 is second. The fact that Michigan St gets drubbed and Iowa embarrassed makes the entire bowl season and SEC dominant conference. Had either team competed there would be an argument. Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, LSU, MSU, Tennessee, Georgia, Ole Miss, with only two turds, Florida and Texas AM. It's all SEC this year.KState even making a bowl and playing Ark is a defenseless player issue.The Michigan win over Florida is the lone impressive win in the Big 10. OSU over a depleted Notre Dame is a joke. The Clemson win over OU and the Stanford win over Iowa are the two in the PAC.

I wish Ohio State would have gotten a chance. After Elliot voiced his opinion (which I don't agree with), they found the offense that had made them successful and looked dang good against Michigan and Notre Dame.
I wish Ohio State would have gotten a chance. After Elliot voiced his opinion (which I don't agree with), they found the offense that had made them successful and looked dang good against Michigan and Notre Dame.

Meyer mishandled the QB decision from Day one. When the players vote one kid captain and you start the mental midget instead you have a situation.

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