50+ years of MAGA


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
What's happening on the right in American politics is not exactly new. To understand it, you need to read a book published 50 years ago by Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab, "The Politics of Unreason: Right-Wing Extremism in America, 1790-1970." Right-wing extremism, now embodied in Trump's MAGA movement, dates back to the earliest days of the country.

The title of Lipset and Raab's book was chosen carefully. Right-wing extremism is not about the rational calculation of interests. It's about irrational impulses, which the authors identify as "status frustrations." They write that "the political movements which have successfully appealed to status resentments have been irrational in character. [The movements] focus on attacking a scapegoat, which conveniently symbolizes the threat perceived by their supporters."

The most common scapegoats have been minority ethnic or religious groups. In the 19th century, that meant Catholics, immigrants and even Freemasons. The Anti-Masonic Party, the Know Nothing Party and later the American Protective Association were major political forces. In the 20th century, the U.S. experienced waves of anti-immigrant sentiment. After World War II, anti-communism became the driving force behind McCarthyism in the 1950s and the Goldwater movement in the early 1960s ("Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice").

The roots of the current right-wing extremism lie in the late 1960s and 1970s, when Americans began to be polarized over values (race, ethnicity, sex, military intervention). Conflicts of interest (such as business versus labor) can be negotiated and compromised. Conflicts of values cannot.

You see "the politics of unreason" in today's right-wing extremism. While it remains true, as it has been for decades, that the wealthier you are, the more likely you are to vote Republican (that's interests), what's new today is that the better educated you are, the more likely you are to vote Democratic, at least among whites (that's values, and it's been driving white suburban voters with college degrees away from Trump's "know-nothing" brand of Republicanism).

Oddly, religion has become a major force driving the current wave of right-wing extremism. Not religious affiliation (Protestant versus Catholic) but religiosity (regular churchgoers versus non-churchgoers). That's not because of Trump's religious appeal (he has none) but because of the Democratic Party's embrace of secularism and the resulting estrangement of fundamentalist Protestants, observant Catholics and even orthodox Jews.
The Democratic Party today is defined by its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The party celebrates diversity in all its forms - racial, ethnic, religious and sexual. To Democrats, that's the tradition of American pluralism - "E pluribus unum." Republicans celebrate the "unum" more than the "pluribus" - we may come from diverse backgrounds, but we should all share the same "American values."
One reason right-wing extremism is thriving in the Republican Party is that there is no figure in the party willing to lead the opposition to it. Polls of Republican voters show no other GOP figure even close to Trump's level of support for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. The only other Republican who seems interested in running is Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland, who recently criticized "Trump cancel culture."

If Trump does run in 2024, as he seems inclined to do, can he win?
It all depends on President Biden's record. Right now, Biden's popularity is not very high. In fact, Biden and Trump are about equally unpopular (Biden's job approval is 52 to 43 percent negative, while Trump's favorability is 54 to 41.5 percent negative). Biden will be 82 years old in 2024. If he doesn't run, the Democrats will very likely nominate Vice President Harris. When a president doesn't run for reelection, his party almost always nominates its most recent vice president, assuming they run (Richard Nixon in 1960, Hubert Humphrey in 1968, Walter Mondale in 1984, George H.W. Bush in 1988, Al Gore in 2000, Joe Biden in 2020). Democrats would be unlikely to deny a black woman the nomination. There is also some talk of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg running if Biden doesn't.

The 2024 election could be a rematch between Trump and Biden. Or a race between Trump and a black woman. Or between Trump and a gay man with a husband and children. Lee Drutman, a political scientist at the New America think tank, recently told The New York Times, "I have a hard time seeing how we have a peaceful 2024 election after everything that's happened now. I don't see the rhetoric turning down. I don't see the conflicts going away. ... It's hard to see how it gets better before it gets worse."
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But you don't understand......The Dem's say that wasn't them but the Rep's...and that the parties secretly switched names and narratives. Come on keep up.

Really deep down Dem's are way more Racist.....

Dem's talk down to minorities and Rep's don't because Rep's see Minority voters as capable and as intelligent IE...Peers. The idea that Minorites are not as capable as their white neighbors is the ultimate form of racism.
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Oh you mean these women who got called out for being Racist and anti-sematic as heck, but won't even apologize.

All the White republican congress women did was Point out that a Ilam Omar was mistaken for a Muslim terrorist at the Capital and relayed that story per Face book. And made the comment the jihad squad decided to show up for work today when talking about her staffers. A boarish comment but not crazy.
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Oh you mean these women who got called out for being Racist and anti-sematic as heck, but won't even apologize.

All the White republican congress women did was Point out that a Ilam Omar was mistaken for a Muslim terrorist at the Capital and relayed that story per Face book. And made the comment the jihad squad decided to show up for work today when talking about her staffers. A boarish comment but not crazy.
Seems like I remember part of what she said was " she's not wearing a backpack, I guess we're safe."
I would also think her calling Omar's staff the" Jihad Squad" would qualify as crazy but I guess you're ok with that.
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People make outlandish over the top claims all the time to drive home a point and vent their disdain for people. It's human nature......I guess your OK with all the Anti-Sematic and Anti-American statements of the Squad? Way worse than some personal BS hurdled at a colleague.....Jee whiz they call our Boss who I personally like and respect Darth and the Evil one. Another Nurse I work with is Nick Named the Kaiser. And a Group of Nurse are called the Sanders Sister from Hocus Pocus....It's not uncommon for this crap to go on.
People make outlandish over the top claims all the time to drive home a point and vent their disdain for people. It's human nature......I guess your OK with all the Anti-Sematic and Anti-American statements of the Squad? Way worse than some personal BS hurdled at a colleague.....Jee whiz they call our Boss who I personally like and respect Darth and the Evil one. Another Nurse I work with is Nick Named the Kaiser. And a Group of Nurse are called the Sanders Sister from Hocus Pocus....It's not uncommon for this crap to go on.
I knew you'd be ok with it. These people are in our congress, none of them should be acting goofy, but they sure shouldn't be doing it toward each other. And you think Trump, 'the super spreader' hasn't had REALLY bad affect on our country?
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I knew you'd be ok with it. These people are in our congress, none of them should be acting goofy, but get sure shouldn't be doing it toward each other. And you think Trump, 'the super spreader' hasn't had REALLY bad affect on our country?
Don't confuse my acknowledge meant that people are people and they do things that are uncouth as me being OK with it.

In my post on this board I never get personal and use back handed comments or demeaning personal terms toward any poster. I might question their intellectual reasoning on that subject or their logical but I try to refrain from attacking the poster on a personal level.

Trump only had a bad effect on the gullible overly emotional citizen who got ginned up because he was brash, abrasive and blunt and didn't give to sharts about decorum. The other near half of the country who voted for him really seemed to like his Presidency.

I wonder now if some of them are thinking.....dang I'd take his arsholeness over a Addle brained Biden who has tanked the economy and is even less liked than Trump......Do you not see Biden has had a worse effect on the country in a shorter time period than Trump and Biden has had a Free pass by the Left wing MSM for the most part and Trump was Embattled from day one with Lies Steel Dossier and a BS Mueller investigation and Finally a Bogus impeachment?

Don't confuse my acknowledge meant that people are people and they do things that are uncouth as me being OK with it.

In my post on this board I never get personal and use back handed comments or demeaning personal terms toward any poster. I might question their intellectual reasoning on that subject or their logical but I try to refrain from attacking the poster on a personal level.

Trump only had a bad effect on the gullible overly emotional citizen who got ginned up because he was brash, abrasive and blunt and didn't give to sharts about decorum. The other near half of the country who voted for him really seemed to like his Presidency.

I wonder now if some of them are thinking.....dang I'd take his arsholeness over a Addle brained Biden who has tanked the economy and is even less liked than Trump......Do you not see Biden has had a worse effect on the country in a shorter time period than Trump and Biden has had a Free pass by the Left wing MSM for the most part and Trump was Embattled from day one with Lies Steel Dossier and a BS Mueller investigation and Finally a Bogus impeachment?

No I absolutely have NOT seen that. How do you think we'll ever have another presidential election without the same thing playing put again and again if the pubs don't win them all. TRUMP did that and HE is totally responsible for it! He convinced his people that the election was stolen from him/them and you can bet that's gonna trickle down to congressional elections too.
Maybe slow down and be a bit more explanatory....What have you not seen? Cause clearly if you haven't seen that America has turned on Ole Joe and his administration you are not paying attention or ignoring it. Or that many a Biden voter is regretting their 2020 vote.

And don't go hyperbolic, clearly you way over estimate the power of Trump...LOL he is your personal boogie man. You do realize your fear is irrational and groundless. So he claimed the election was rigged did Hillary Clinton is 2016. So I don't see your point? Did Conservatives go all crazy then and get emotional and unhinged? Nope.

Trump didn't have to come out and convince anyone when the Dem's come out and publish and brag they formed a coalition and Cabal to take down a president.....including fake Dossier, illegitimate investigations and sham baseless impeachments.

And naturally The response is going to be suspicion and distrust of the Democrat controlled institutions. The Dem's have sowed it now the country will reap it. And Clearly you believe that any action no matter how vile and illegal was justified to take down a duly elected president. Because he offended your personal moral values. He might of been a low character, arrogant, womanizing, brash and brazen fake tan wearing arshole. But he was elected legally.

I've explained this ad nauseam, what the Dem's did was a abomination and blatantly unforgivable to conservatives. Trump is not driving the bus....he is just along for the Ride and playing to the crowd to maintain power it's politician 101.

That is what you and your brethren don't seem to comprehend Trump didn't create the divide. The divide was already there The gulf has been vast and wide between the Leftist progressives and the Moderate conservatives, now Social Media and the Insane lies and attacks by the MSM has just fast tracked and exposed the chasm between the two sides.

I mean the left was so Brazen they literally published and bragged about how they did it ......not to mention trying to impeach a non-elected president for the Second time based solely on political motives.

Are you so naive to think because you think it was justified and warranted that the other side will just roll over and take it? That is not how things work.
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Maybe slow down and be a bit more explanatory....What have you not seen? Cause clearly if you haven't seen that America has turned on Ole Joe and his administration you are not paying attention or ignoring it. Or that many a Biden voter is regretting their 2020 vote.

And don't go hyperbolic, clearly you way over estimate the power of Trump...LOL he is your personal boogie man. You do realize your fear is irrational and groundless. So he claimed the election was rigged did Hillary Clinton is 2016. So I don't see your point? Did Conservatives go all crazy then and get emotional and unhinged? Nope.

Trump didn't have to come out and convince anyone when the Dem's come out and publish and brag they formed a coalition and Cabal to take down a president.....including fake Dossier, illegitimate investigations and sham baseless impeachments.

And naturally The response is going to be suspicion and distrust of the Democrat controlled institutions. The Dem's have sowed it now the country will reap it. And Clearly you believe that any action no matter how vile and illegal was justified to take down a duly elected president. Because he offended your personal moral values. He might of been a low character, arrogant, womanizing, brash and brazen fake tan wearing arshole. But he was elected legally.

I've explained this ad nauseam, what the Dem's did was a abomination and blatantly unforgivable to conservatives. Trump is not driving the bus....he is just along for the Ride and playing to the crowd to maintain power it's politician 101.

That is what you and your brethren don't seem to comprehend Trump didn't create the divide. The divide was already there The gulf has been vast and wide between the Leftist progressives and the Moderate conservatives, now Social Media and the Insane lies and attacks by the MSM has just fast tracked and exposed the chasm between the two sides.

I mean the left was so Brazen they literally published and bragged about how they did it ......not to mention trying to impeach a non-elected president for the Second time based solely on political motives.

Are you so naive to think because you think it was justified and warranted that the other side will just roll over and take it? That is not how things work.
You asked if I have not seen that Biden has had a worse effect on the country that Trump and I said I have NOT seen that. I can't even imagine what world you live in to think that is anywhere near an accurate statement.
What's happening on the right in American politics is not exactly new. To understand it, you need to read a book published 50 years ago by Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab, "The Politics of Unreason: Right-Wing Extremism in America, 1790-1970." Right-wing extremism, now embodied in Trump's MAGA movement, dates back to the earliest days of the country.

The title of Lipset and Raab's book was chosen carefully. Right-wing extremism is not about the rational calculation of interests. It's about irrational impulses, which the authors identify as "status frustrations." They write that "the political movements which have successfully appealed to status resentments have been irrational in character. [The movements] focus on attacking a scapegoat, which conveniently symbolizes the threat perceived by their supporters."

The most common scapegoats have been minority ethnic or religious groups. In the 19th century, that meant Catholics, immigrants and even Freemasons. The Anti-Masonic Party, the Know Nothing Party and later the American Protective Association were major political forces. In the 20th century, the U.S. experienced waves of anti-immigrant sentiment. After World War II, anti-communism became the driving force behind McCarthyism in the 1950s and the Goldwater movement in the early 1960s ("Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice").

The roots of the current right-wing extremism lie in the late 1960s and 1970s, when Americans began to be polarized over values (race, ethnicity, sex, military intervention). Conflicts of interest (such as business versus labor) can be negotiated and compromised. Conflicts of values cannot.

You see "the politics of unreason" in today's right-wing extremism. While it remains true, as it has been for decades, that the wealthier you are, the more likely you are to vote Republican (that's interests), what's new today is that the better educated you are, the more likely you are to vote Democratic, at least among whites (that's values, and it's been driving white suburban voters with college degrees away from Trump's "know-nothing" brand of Republicanism).

Oddly, religion has become a major force driving the current wave of right-wing extremism. Not religious affiliation (Protestant versus Catholic) but religiosity (regular churchgoers versus non-churchgoers). That's not because of Trump's religious appeal (he has none) but because of the Democratic Party's embrace of secularism and the resulting estrangement of fundamentalist Protestants, observant Catholics and even orthodox Jews.
The Democratic Party today is defined by its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The party celebrates diversity in all its forms - racial, ethnic, religious and sexual. To Democrats, that's the tradition of American pluralism - "E pluribus unum." Republicans celebrate the "unum" more than the "pluribus" - we may come from diverse backgrounds, but we should all share the same "American values."
One reason right-wing extremism is thriving in the Republican Party is that there is no figure in the party willing to lead the opposition to it. Polls of Republican voters show no other GOP figure even close to Trump's level of support for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. The only other Republican who seems interested in running is Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland, who recently criticized "Trump cancel culture."

If Trump does run in 2024, as he seems inclined to do, can he win?
It all depends on President Biden's record. Right now, Biden's popularity is not very high. In fact, Biden and Trump are about equally unpopular (Biden's job approval is 52 to 43 percent negative, while Trump's favorability is 54 to 41.5 percent negative). Biden will be 82 years old in 2024. If he doesn't run, the Democrats will very likely nominate Vice President Harris. When a president doesn't run for reelection, his party almost always nominates its most recent vice president, assuming they run (Richard Nixon in 1960, Hubert Humphrey in 1968, Walter Mondale in 1984, George H.W. Bush in 1988, Al Gore in 2000, Joe Biden in 2020). Democrats would be unlikely to deny a black woman the nomination. There is also some talk of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg running if Biden doesn't.

The 2024 election could be a rematch between Trump and Biden. Or a race between Trump and a black woman. Or between Trump and a gay man with a husband and children. Lee Drutman, a political scientist at the New America think tank, recently told The New York Times, "I have a hard time seeing how we have a peaceful 2024 election after everything that's happened now. I don't see the rhetoric turning down. I don't see the conflicts going away. ... It's hard to see how it gets better before it gets worse."
You need to read the books
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
The Racial Conception Of The World by Adolf Hitler and
Foundations of Leninism by Joseph Stalin
The liberal left are aligning to the teaching of these books. Academia and the liberal media are pushing this agenda. The blind and immoral believe the idiocy of this philosophy. When you adhere to and promote base immoral beliefs you become blind. A fundamental aspect of this is abortion. When you convince yourself that anyone promoting the murder of a silent populace of our society can be killed for convenience sake you become depraved, deluded, blind and highly immoral. After that, it's just a matter of feeding new philosophies into a blind mind by the agents mentioned earlier and you have people pushing it on MoSports and believing it is really true. They, then become obsessed with "the orange man" for standing against their nonsense and continue posting about him a year after the election, when nobody else is.
ob·sessed: preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
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You need to read the books
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
The Racial Conception Of The World by Adolf Hitler and
Foundations of Leninism by Joseph Stalin
The liberal left are aligning to the teaching of these books. Academia and the liberal media are pushing this agenda. The blind and immoral believe the idiocy of this philosophy. When you adhere to and promote base immoral beliefs you become blind. A fundamental aspect of this is abortion. When you convince yourself that anyone promoting the murder of a silent populace of our society can be killed for convenience sake you become depraved, deluded, blind and highly immoral. After that, it's just a matter of feeding new philosophies into a blind mind by the agents mentioned earlier and you have people pushing it on MoSports and believing it is really true. They, then become obsessed with "the orange man" for standing against their nonsense and continue posting about him a year after the election, when nobody else is.
ob·sessed: preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
YOU need to read those exact books. Because, no they aren’t.
You asked if I have not seen that Biden has had a worse effect on the country that Trump and I said I have NOT seen that. I can't even imagine what world you live in to think that is anywhere near an accurate statement.
Well I've seen banks are struggling...

Gas Prices have went insane and effected the Mood and Moral of the nation because this effects everyone and everything .... Inflation is killing the Pocket books of average Americans.....

Clearly Biden's Poll numbers Reflect that He has had a Worse effect on Most people than Trump. Well most people who are not emotionally soft and are easily upset by harsh, blunt discourse.

Well I've seen banks are struggling...

Gas Prices have went insane and effected the Mood and Moral of the nation because this effects everyone and everything .... Inflation is killing the Pocket books of average Americans.....

Clearly Biden's Poll numbers Reflect that He has had a Worse effect on Most people than Trump. Well most people who are not emotionally soft and are easily upset by harsh, blunt discourse.

Our gas here is back down to $2.73 and has been up and down every day or two since it went crazy. What did Biden do to make it up or down? Not a thing!
When he shut down the U.S. sales of gas and oil leases, and slows the supply from his other decisions then his policies have an effect. Of course Opec decided to squeeze more out of us by slowing their supply as well, to raise the price per barrel.

Down to 2.73....The average price in the U.S. is 3.35 and in Mizzou land it's 2.91 to 3.07 according to Triple AAA. So feel lucky your gas is below the Avg.
It ain't average around here then. He didn't shut down any active wells. The supply slowed because the oil companies want to make more per barrel, not because they don't have the oil to get out of the wells. Seems to me we have a poster on this board cheering the production cuts so he can make more off the wells he owns.
Just heard today that natural gas prices that went crazy not long ago have already dropped 70% since. I guess Biden gets credit for that huh? You place blame you have to give credit too!
If the gas price trends down ward and remains at a affordable price then Yes Biden get's credit. I thought I had explained that is how it works in several other post's.

Yes a Poster aka Bullitpdq68 said that he was making bank on oil do to his mineral rights from being Native American. I think he posted that around Aug/Sept. if I recall.
The original post did not say anything about the Democrats or Republicans before 1950 and yes they did switch before 1950. But don't let facts get in the way of the condescending.
Yes everyone just got together in a town square and switched their registered party from Dem/Rep. and vice a versa.

And I don't disagree with the OP...scapegoating is human nature. If everyone on earth looked the same then as humans we would find some reason to blame the OTHERS. Maybe they like Grape Soda as opposed to Coke.

I do disagree somewhat with the idea that the issues began in 60's and 70's. At that time with the upswing in technology and the beginning of globalization those differences in Values started to come to the forefront of America and people could easily see on the TV and in Nation Wide print the differences in Values.

Also that book is outdated to a degree in that some of the richest counties in America are very progressive and vote Dem.

I'd post some links to leftwing extremism but they'd just be ignored or dismissed as being untrue. Even though statistically we know that Left wing extremism is responsible for 13 deaths since 2016 and right wingers killed 5.

The chances of being killed by a Right wing Extremist is 1 and 33 million...but you'd think that it was happening everyday to a large degree.
You just throw out whatever you want and hope no one will notice.
5 deaths by right-wingers since 2016? Pittsburgh synagogue? El Paso Walmart?
You can condescend about the parties changing platforms over the years, causing people to either conform to new policies for their party or change who they support.
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Those stats came from the Cato institute...not a rightwinger blog.
OK I guess I didn't know the rules...if you don't like the Data you just say it's wrong!
Not every shooting by a white person is a Alt Right terrorist action. Or is it now?

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