Let me give you my perspective on the anthem, please consider with an open mind.

In general, I loathe the collective “group think” mentality in any form. To me, the song itself, or the words within, mean less to me than the concept of national unity.

It’s only a fact of life that we’re all gonna big to have different perspective and ideas of what would make our country a better place. It bothers me when people want to bring up stains on our history as an excuse to bash our nation or its citizens. It’s a cop out. No one would ever argue, for example, that denying women the right to vote was stupid and archaic. But that was 100 years ago, man. We got better, we grew.

Standing for the anthem with respect is, to me anyway, a moment to put aside our differences and to recognize that we’re all countrymen. It’s one minute and 40 seconds to put aside our differences and acknowledge national unity. Opportunities to squabble and disagree abound. Is it too much to ask for less than two minutes of togetherness?

great post...totally respect your opinion and reasoning.
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I appreciate you saying that and I’m glad we’ve found some common ground, anyway.
God knows we need more of that on all fronts these days.

very true...I'm basically of the belief I have to respect others people's views and opinions if i want mine respected accordingly. I find nothing wrong with colorful debates on issues. i dont have all the answers and my opinions have changed with said debates.
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And I really appreciate you saying this - I’m glad we’ve found some common ground, anyway.
God knows we need more of that on all fronts these days.
I enjoy reading everybodies arguments and points even the ones about the pool hall in PA but I think the biggest issue is the NFL's consistency and the fact that punching someone off the field is a shorter suspension than lowering your head in a game with other professional athletes or if you take a knee on the field.
No one would ever argue, for example, that denying women the right to vote wasn't stupid and archaic. But that was 100 years ago, man.
White women got the right to vote almost 100 years ago. Repeating for those not paying attention, WHITE women got the right to vote almost 100 years ago. People of color didn't get the right to vote until the 1960s. Many of the people on this message board were alive when that change occurred. That wasn't a long time ago.

And maybe people would quit talking about things like this if people weren't actively working to restrict voting rights today.
very true...I'm basically of the belief I have to respect others people's views and opinions if i want mine respected accordingly. I find nothing wrong with colorful debates on issues. i dont have all the answers and my opinions have changed with said debates.
do you really think minorities over the centuries and recent decades have been treated equally? native Americans,blacks,Hispanics etc. women arent a minority but in general they make 77 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterpart. in some states the laws dont protect members of the LGBT community against being fired by their employers. "land of the free" written in 1812...what a joke. freedom was being a wealthy white landowner. women couldnt vote until 1919,the civil rights act wasnt passed into law until almost 200 years after the declaration. the war on drugs was a tool used by the Nixon administration to incarcerate blacks. how bout the freedom to not be pulled over by a cop because of your brown skin or shot and killed in your own apartment or property. seems to happen too frequently thus the reason those on the field of play bring attention to social justice and inequality.

So no white people EVER are shot by cops or it isn't reported on because it doesn't fit the agenda?

“Until now, there’s never been a systematic, nationwide study to determine the characteristics of police involved in fatal officer-involved shootings,” said Joseph Cesario, co-author and professor of psychology at MSU. “There are so many examples of people saying that when black citizens are shot by police, it’s white officers shooting them. In fact, our findings show no support that black citizens are more likely to be shot by white officers."

The findings – published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS – are based on an independent database Cesario and his team created that catalogued each police shooting from 2015. The team – led also by co-author David Johnson from University of Maryland – contacted every police department that had a fatal police shooting to get the race, sex and years of experience for every officer involved in each incident. The team also leveraged data from police shooting databases by The Washington Post and The Guardian.

“We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot," Cesario said. "If anything, black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are.”

The data show that it’s not racial bias on behalf of white officers relative to black officers when it comes to fatal shootings, and that’s good news. The bad news, Cesario said, is that internal policy changes, such as diversifying police forces, may not reduce shootings of minority citizens.

So I ask again, what RIGHTS do white people have today that people of color don't have?
Let me give you my perspective on the anthem, please consider with an open mind.

In general, I loathe the collective “group think” mentality in any form. To me, the song itself, or the words within, mean less to me than the concept of national unity.

It’s only a fact of life that we’re all going to have different perspective and ideas of what would make our country a better place. It bothers me when people want to bring up stains on our history as an excuse to bash our nation or its citizens. It’s a cop out. No one would ever argue, for example, that denying women the right to vote was stupid and archaic. But that was 100 years ago, man. We got better, we grew. Dwelling on flaws long since corrected is anything but progressive.

Standing for the anthem with respect is, to me anyway, a moment to put aside our differences and to recognize that we’re all countrymen. It’s one minute and 40 seconds to put aside our differences and acknowledge national unity. Opportunities to squabble and disagree abound. Is it too much to ask for less than two minutes of togetherness? It’s an opportunity to acknowledge what is great about our country, not a moment to protest about what isn’t.

Before I get chastised, let me make clear I believe Kaepernick can certainly kneel if he chooses to. It’s his individualism about it that rubs me the wrong way.

Beautifully said.
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So no white people EVER are shot by cops or it isn't reported on because it doesn't fit the agenda?

“Until now, there’s never been a systematic, nationwide study to determine the characteristics of police involved in fatal officer-involved shootings,” said Joseph Cesario, co-author and professor of psychology at MSU. “There are so many examples of people saying that when black citizens are shot by police, it’s white officers shooting them. In fact, our findings show no support that black citizens are more likely to be shot by white officers."

The findings – published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS – are based on an independent database Cesario and his team created that catalogued each police shooting from 2015. The team – led also by co-author David Johnson from University of Maryland – contacted every police department that had a fatal police shooting to get the race, sex and years of experience for every officer involved in each incident. The team also leveraged data from police shooting databases by The Washington Post and The Guardian.

“We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot," Cesario said. "If anything, black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are.”

The data show that it’s not racial bias on behalf of white officers relative to black officers when it comes to fatal shootings, and that’s good news. The bad news, Cesario said, is that internal policy changes, such as diversifying police forces, may not reduce shootings of minority citizens.

So I ask again, what RIGHTS do white people have today that people of color don't have?

my posts werent white black specific in totality. society's racism and discrimination against minorities such as blacks is still prevalent and will continue to be given this countries not too distant past. not all freedoms have a law specifically associated with said freedoms. perhaps you go thru life with your head in the sand. this thread never would of been started if things were so peachy in everyone's world as they are in yours. some groups are still fighting to be as equal as others.
So no white people EVER are shot by cops or it isn't reported on because it doesn't fit the agenda?

“Until now, there’s never been a systematic, nationwide study to determine the characteristics of police involved in fatal officer-involved shootings,” said Joseph Cesario, co-author and professor of psychology at MSU. “There are so many examples of people saying that when black citizens are shot by police, it’s white officers shooting them. In fact, our findings show no support that black citizens are more likely to be shot by white officers."

The findings – published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS – are based on an independent database Cesario and his team created that catalogued each police shooting from 2015. The team – led also by co-author David Johnson from University of Maryland – contacted every police department that had a fatal police shooting to get the race, sex and years of experience for every officer involved in each incident. The team also leveraged data from police shooting databases by The Washington Post and The Guardian.

“We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot," Cesario said. "If anything, black citizens are more likely to have been shot by black officers, but this is because black officers are drawn from the same population that they police. So, the more black citizens there are in a community, the more black police officers there are.”

The data show that it’s not racial bias on behalf of white officers relative to black officers when it comes to fatal shootings, and that’s good news. The bad news, Cesario said, is that internal policy changes, such as diversifying police forces, may not reduce shootings of minority citizens.

So I ask again, what RIGHTS do white people have today that people of color don't have?

should we make law to enforce this injustice or are there laws already on the books? this is just one instance of discrimination. there are countless others if you step out of your bubble.
my posts werent white black specific in totality. society's racism and discrimination against minorities such as blacks is still prevalent and will continue to be given this countries not too distant past. not all freedoms have a law specifically associated with said freedoms. perhaps you go thru life with your head in the sand. this thread never would of been started if things were so peachy in everyone's world as they are in yours. some groups are still fighting to be as equal as others.

My posts weren't black white specific either.

Here I'll ask again since you seem to have an issue answering a simple question. Please pay attention and stay on topic

I'm not talking about racism or discrimination which undoubtedly occur and are terrible.

Acknowledging that, what LEGAL RIGHTS do white people have that people of color do not have in this country, today?
do you really think minorities over the centuries and recent decades have been treated equally? native Americans,blacks,Hispanics etc. women arent a minority but in general they make 77 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterpart. in some states the laws dont protect members of the LGBT community against being fired by their employers. "land of the free" written in 1812...what a joke. freedom was being a wealthy white landowner. women couldnt vote until 1919,the civil rights act wasnt passed into law until almost 200 years after the declaration. the war on drugs was a tool used by the Nixon administration to incarcerate blacks. how bout the freedom to not be pulled over by a cop because of your brown skin or shot and killed in your own apartment or property. seems to happen too frequently thus the reason those on the field of play bring attention to social justice and inequality.
Was there a political opinion hidden in there?
So in your opinion who should've got a job first Kareem Hunt or Kaepernick
Since people are getting paid to play, THE BEST PLAYER.
That is the problem that gets ignored. He's been offered a backup spot but insisted on starting. If he was good enough, his distractions wouldn't matter to the NFL teams. He's not! If you are gonna be a sore thumb on the hand, you better be one heck of a thumb.
Kareem is playing, not because he's a better person but a better player. Kaepernick isn't playing, not because he's a worse person but because he isn't good enough to overcome his baggage.
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My posts weren't black white specific either.

Here I'll ask again since you seem to have an issue answering a simple question. Please pay attention and stay on topic

I'm not talking about racism or discrimination which undoubtedly occur and are terrible.

Acknowledging that, what LEGAL RIGHTS do white people have that people of c
olor do not have in this country, today?

the last question you asked in your first long reply is a black white question. rather specific dont you think. black and whites or any american are "supposed" to be treated equal under law as far as discrimination is concerned. however those laws are enforced by human beings who are supposed to protect the rights of all Americans. would you rather be born white or a minority in today's America? easy answer isnt it?
Since people are getting paid to play, THE BEST PLAYER.
That is the problem that gets ignored. He's been offered a backup spot but insisted on starting. If he was good enough, his distractions wouldn't matter to the NFL teams. He's not! If you are gonna be a sore thumb on the hand, you better be one heck of a thumb.
Kareem is playing, not because he's a better person but a better player. Kaepernick isn't playing, not because he's a worse person but because he isn't good enough to overcome his baggage.

if he really wants to play the backup spot should of been accepted. just get on a roster and practice/play the best you can.
the last question you asked in your first long reply is a black white question. rather specific dont you think. black and whites or any american are "supposed" to be treated equal under law as far as discrimination is concerned. however those laws are enforced by human beings who are supposed to protect the rights of all Americans. would you rather be born white or a minority in today's America? easy answer isnt it?

I have asked if people of color were being denied rights.They aren't. Very simple.

If there were rights being denied you would have already presented the list.

As it is, you keep sidestepping to racism and discrimination, which I've already agreed exists and is terrible.

The reality is this is the best country on the planet regardless of race and the best time in human history to be here.
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Since people are getting paid to play, THE BEST PLAYER.
That is the problem that gets ignored. He's been offered a backup spot but insisted on starting. If he was good enough, his distractions wouldn't matter to the NFL teams. He's not! If you are gonna be a sore thumb on the hand, you better be one heck of a thumb.
Kareem is playing, not because he's a better person but a better player. Kaepernick isn't playing, not because he's a worse person but because he isn't good enough to overcome his baggage.
I haven't followed this that closely but I don't believe he was ever offered a roster spot at all. I think he worked out for seattle one time and that was it. The NFL even settled there collusion case with them which I know isn't proof of wrongdoing but why settle if you did nothing wrong and at least adds a little credibility to the claim he was blackballed. I mean even if you compare him to Johnny Manziel who has had multiple workouts with teams and way more off the field distractions it just doesn't make sense.
I have asked if people of color were being denied rights.They aren't. Very simple.

If there were rights being denied you would have already presented the list.

As it is, you keep sidestepping to racism and discrimination, which I've already agreed exists and is terrible.

The reality is this is the best country on the planet regardless of race and the best time in human history to be here.
Back in 2017 there were 987 people shot and killed by cops
585 were white
223 were black
179 were hispanic

Black activists act like that cops are just running around dragging law abiding people of color out of their homes during bible time and shooting them for target practice.

Truth is a LOT more white people are shot and killed than non whites. Higher percentage wise but they are involved in a lot more crime to start with. If you don't want a hole blowed in you then dont decide to be a criminal
I haven't followed this that closely but I don't believe he was ever offered a roster spot at all. I think he worked out for seattle one time and that was it. The NFL even settled there collusion case with them which I know isn't proof of wrongdoing but why settle if you did nothing wrong and at least adds a little credibility to the claim he was blackballed. I mean even if you compare him to Johnny Manziel who has had multiple workouts with teams and way more off the field distractions it just doesn't make sense.
Not only was he offered but more were interested if he would stop kneeling.

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