those 2 verses out of 4 have no place at a sporting event anyways unless it's a team usa function. the military using our nfl football teams as a ploy to boost military recruiting is bullsheet. people go to watch a football game at least that's why I go. as I've said before if it was tom brady protesting abortion or lack of gun rights he'd be a hero to fox news. hypocrit america on full display.
Although I see your point, it’s not quite the same.

I’d prefer prayer, if there’s to be prayer, be done as a team. Together. It could be 2 minutes of collective thought. Prayer, visualize, whatever.

I’m not a Tebow fan, but had he done this during passing drills, an offensive meeting or, yes, even during the anthem, It would irk me to no end.

It’s my stance and I’m by-Buddha entitled to it. (On my personal time, of course)
Bosko is sort of shaped liked Buddha!
Man, I don’t think so, but I can only speak from my perspective. If Tom Brady were using team time (in whatever capacity) to bring attention to his personal agenda (whatever that is) I’d find it selfish and uncouth and question his perspective of what it means to be a teammate.

You’re using “if, then” examples that are hypothetical. You could be right, but to label America as hypocritical without valid comparisons is without merit, methinks. I could be wrong. It would be interesting to stage something similar to what you mentioned and document the reaction.
It's awful easy to say "f so and so did this" when they haven't and then add "this would happen" when it hasn't.
Give an actual example of something that happened and the actual response and you make a valid point.
How is praying drawing attention to yourself? Did he release statements saying "hey don't forget to film me when I am praying.". He didn't raise awareness for a public image of it nor did any other person. Cast your hate on something else. Maybe if we would make that a public outcry for a cause this country wouldn't even need what Kapernick was kneeling for because it wouldn't exist.
Here’s my issue with Kaepernick:
* I don’t contest that he may have a worthy cause or a message that needs to be heard. He very well may. That’s not why he makes my skin crawl.
* Whether or not he is being disrespectful to the flag, our troops, our country can be debated. It’s besides the main point.
* What message he wants to send or what he wants to protest on his own time is his business. It is, in fact, his right.

What genuinely pisses me off is his selfishness in using team time for his own agenda.

Whether he kneeled to protest slaughtering baby seals, the dissection of fetal pigs, or naked pygmies on NatGeo- doesn’t really matter. He used TEAM time for it. Which is, to me anyway, a big no-no. Reminds me of a kid who came out with different colored game socks so “his mom could find him better”.

She didn’t have to look away from the bench.

Individualism. Loathe it. When you become part of a TEAM, you set that least for the time you’re in uniform. Kaepernick mocked it.

Had the man done infomercials or whatever he chose to do to raise awareness, no problem.

Who would want him? Whether he’s a capable NFL QB or not is beside the point. He’s proven he’s a horrible teammate and puts himself before the unit.

Sure, he’s laughing his way all to the bank...which is fine by me as long as he’s wearing NIke mall walkers and not cleats as he does it.
While I agree with everything you say If you look at some of the guys the league gives second chances and what they've done Including domestic violence and then look at kaepernick its kind've a head scratcher I mean whats worse... kneeling and being selfish or punching a woman
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While I agree with everything you say If you look at some of the guys the league gives second chances and what they've done Including domestic violence and then look at kaepernick its kind've a head scratcher I mean whats worse... kneeling and being selfish or punching a woman

white america got their feelings hurt by a black guy. even the racist pedophile president got in on it stoking the hatred. the patriot police were out in full force. nothing criminal...just a black guy peacefully protesting while 2 verses of a song,written by a slaveowner is playing in the background. oh the horror of it all.
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white america got their feelings hurt by a black guy. even the racist pedophile president got in on it stoking the hatred. the patriot police were out in full force. nothing criminal...just a black guy peacefully protesting while 2 verses of a song,written by a slaveowner is playing in the background. oh the horror of it all.
He wasn't protesting anything, he was auditioning for a Nike commercial.

Funny how since he quit his job with the 49'ers I haven't seen him taking a knee anywhere.
He wasn't protesting anything, he was auditioning for a Nike commercial.

Funny how since he quit his job with the 49'ers I haven't seen him taking a knee anywhere.
So in your opinion who should've got a job first Kareem Hunt or Kaepernick
white america got their feelings hurt by a black guy. even the racist pedophile president got in on it stoking the hatred. the patriot police were out in full force. nothing criminal...just a black guy peacefully protesting while 2 verses of a song,written by a slaveowner is playing in the background. oh the horror of it all.

I would have to go with the great one on this
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Is there an option c? As in “none of the above”?
I mean i'm with you If the NFL was consistent with its policies then none of them should have jobs but they aren't, and you can't tell me what kaepernick did was more disruptive to his team than Antonio Brown and he got signed right away after that crap.
The one who did the best job of selling his skills and overall worth. It’s free enterprise at work
But the NFL isn't a free enterprise system It has a very strong regulatory body that is being inconsistent... but are you saying that your opinion is Kareem because the owners said so?
He wasn't protesting anything, he was auditioning for a Nike commercial.

Funny how since he quit his job with the 49'ers I haven't seen him taking a knee anywhere.

when was the last time you stood and sang the last 2 verses...or were you sitting?
Won’t argue about the inconsistencies one bit. The NFL disgusts me in enabling some of their millionaire criminals.

the nfl used their players to collect millions from the dept of defense. if you're disgusted by the enabling of millionaire criminals the NFL should be the least of your worries.
the nfl used their players to collect millions from the dept of defense. if you're disgusted by the enabling of millionaire criminals the NFL should be the least of your worries.
Man you need to lay off the Kool Aid
Sorry, cru. I’m just not as “woke” as you. Maybe I need a subscription to The Huffington Post or something.

get a subscription to whichever news outlet you prefer. it's a free America...for most ethnicities anyway.
What rights under the law do white folks have that any minority citizen don't have?

do you really think minorities over the centuries and recent decades have been treated equally? native Americans,blacks,Hispanics etc. women arent a minority but in general they make 77 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterpart. in some states the laws dont protect members of the LGBT community against being fired by their employers. "land of the free" written in 1812...what a joke. freedom was being a wealthy white landowner. women couldnt vote until 1919,the civil rights act wasnt passed into law until almost 200 years after the declaration. the war on drugs was a tool used by the Nixon administration to incarcerate blacks. how bout the freedom to not be pulled over by a cop because of your brown skin or shot and killed in your own apartment or property. seems to happen too frequently thus the reason those on the field of play bring attention to social justice and inequality.
there are hundreds of more articles on the subject. Google is your friend....take your pic.
So you think there is something wrong with the Army paying NFL teams for advertising and marketing???

Good lord
Any company that advertises in sports is making money from the players then
do you really think minorities over the centuries and recent decades have been treated equally? native Americans,blacks,Hispanics etc. women arent a minority but in general they make 77 cents on the dollar compared to their male counterpart. in some states the laws dont protect members of the LGBT community against being fired by their employers. "land of the free" written in 1812...what a joke. freedom was being a wealthy white landowner. women couldnt vote until 1919,the civil rights act wasnt passed into law until almost 200 years after the declaration. the war on drugs was a tool used by the Nixon administration to incarcerate blacks. how bout the freedom to not be pulled over by a cop because of your brown skin or shot and killed in your own apartment or property. seems to happen too frequently thus the reason those on the field of play bring attention to social justice and inequality.
That’s a bunch of crap.
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So you think there is something wrong with the Army paying NFL teams for advertising and marketing???

Good lord

the players before this stayed in the locker room. after the nfl took the monies they were made to come out on the field. the military has admitted it was to boost military recruiting,as this one article mentions. had nothing to do with "patriotism". as though standing in obedience for a song is patriotic...which is subjective to ones opinions.
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Maybe you should “take a knee” in the next staff meeting where you work?

Just Do It

after trump became president they occasionally play the anthem over the plant intercom system. some people stop salute recognize during play. idc...they can do what they want. I could care less...I'm there to work even tho the patriot police give me stink eye. lol

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