Cantwell NOT Amazing

Why isn’t this on the track and field page? 😂
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I dont recall someone moving another person's thread. So there is no precedent. Now using another poster's thing? That is NOT kosher!!

I say go ahead and move the thread. See what happens. Maybe you'll start a trend!
You realize telling me to move this thread means someone could move Doc Guys Forever to the Toots McDucks Political Crap Page.
After watching quite a few track meets this spring, we get to see this young man in person this weekend in JC. Should be quite the show.
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After watching quite a few track meets this spring, we get to see this young man in person this weekend in JC. Should be quite the show.
Honest question. Does everywhere he throws have a long enough sector? I don't know if that was an issue for the Davis brothers throwing Discus a few years ago or not.
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Honest question. Does everywhere he throws have a long enough sector? I don't know if that was an issue for the Davis brothers throwing Discus a few years ago or not.
I heard JC had to extend its shot put pit. Not sure if this true or not but it did seem longer this spring. I know BO and Helias would not hold his discus throw. We were in Union last night and I don't think he throws would have stayed in either the shot or discus field. What he is throwing is something else.
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You can extend those sectors with no problem. At the state meet, it may have been with extending the chat landing area or maybe it turned down hill. What he is throwing now is only 1 ft farther than existing throws.
You can extend those sectors with no problem. At the state meet, it may have been with extending the chat landing area or maybe it turned down hill. What he is throwing now is only 1 ft farther than existing throws.
Only 1 ft farther. You made me laugh out loud.
I heard JC had to extend its shot put pit. Not sure if this true or not but it did seem longer this spring. I know BO and Helias would not hold his discus throw. We were in Union last night and I don't think he throws would have stayed in either the shot or discus field. What he is throwing is something else.
Go to around 40 seconds. Former Jeff City quarterback Devin Robeson throwing the discus onto the road