A lot of Modern Rep's don't care about the Abortion issue....We want Strong Economy, Strong Military, Strong Law and Order. A strict adherence to the Constitution as the Law of the Land. And most of All to be American First and to forget about a Globalist Mindset. How we achieve this makes no difference to many.
I do find it Laughable and overtly political to Blame Trump for the local responses of state and municipal gov.....Trump followed the 10th amendment, he did all the things he could do legally, fast tracked a Vaccine, Shut down China as legally as he could, and told people to go about their lives as best they could.
I get it....you really believe that if Trump would of told People to Mask up and Hunker down that they would of. He would of just became hated by his base..
I'm sorry to Burst your bubble but around 40-50 million people where not going to follow the MSM/Leftist party line and cower in fear. They where going to do exactly what they did. IT's called the American Free Spirit. I also understand that a lot of you don't get it, a lot of you fear it, And a lot of you hate those who live that way. But that's the Breaks of Living in a Free Republic with people who want to live free and without the Gov. telling them what to do and how to live. Liberty before Life is a simple and honorable concept. It's what makes American Great.
I think a lot of State and Local Gov. figure that out when even the Police and County Sheriff's where not willing to enforce the laws they saw as unconstitutional. Thank God for the Red states who kept their economy moving forward.