X (Twitter) handles to follow for Missouri HS Football


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2023
Here is list on some I follow but would like to have more from KC, SE Mo and NW Mo. Post who you follow here!

I have an X account, but hard to follow, here you just type in what you want and bingo you are good, on X you get all sorts of things that I could care less about you have to go out and follow people and who the heck knows who to follow? However even X is considered a boomer app to the high schoolers none of them are using it. They use something called threads? I cannot keep up.....
St. Louis has it pretty good with the stat database, scoreboard, schedules, and articles STL TODAY has. Then you add in GSV who has one of the best YouTube channels in Americas for high school sports and very well ran X and Instagram accounts with fun content.
“Boomers” put men on the moon driving a dune buggy using a slide rule, graph paper and a pencil.
Not really. The WWII generation who gave birth to the Boomers did that -- and they were German. Ever heard of Werner von Braun and his band of merry Nazis?
Not really. The WWII generation who gave birth to the Boomers did that -- and they were German. Ever heard of Werner von Braun and his band of merry Nazis?
tv news 80s GIF

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