
If this part is true,"The properties of this compound suggest a path towards developing antibiotics that are likely to avoid development of resistance," it would be great!
You liberals are so naive. Drugs and science don't fix anything. Put your faith in the lord and thou shalt beat that infection.
If the Religion of Globle Warming is what you choose to believe then who am I to doubt you. Science after all can explain everything in the make-believe world of liberalism ....Democrat Atheist Christopher Hitchen supports you...
Or, maybe, one could rely on science for the things it can actually explain and not pretend science can explain only everything or nothing.
One of Man's greatest achievements was to walk on the moon...
Yet when asked how a spider spins it's web were still puzzled.

Perhaps we're not as smart as we thought...
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
One of Man's greatest achievements was to walk on the moon...
Yet when asked how a spider spins it's web were still puzzled.

Perhaps we're not as smart as we thought...
It has nothing to do with how smart we are or are not. That is a misguided point. The point is we have certainty of our understanding of certain things, and we should rely on that knowledge for how we live our lives and how we set our public policy.

There are also many things we don't understand, and many things that are not based on understanding (they are matters of opinion). Those are cases where it's just up to use as a people to do the best job we can to be fair and just.

We also know exactly how a spider spins a web, you need a new metaphor.
I just a report on this on the CBS news.

Scout perhaps you would like for us to spend a couple hundred million to study how a spider makes his/her web?
Gesh Neutron,
Post a positive story about something that can help millions. I know I for one have had a nasty fight with MRSA. And it turns into a dang religion thread.
And our normal religion posters haven't even been around these parts for a while.
Neutron I expected more from you.

Anyone who has studied arachnology and received more than a B knows that the two ganglia nerve cell clusters are responsible for the movement of simple coded messages throughout the spiders cephalothorax.
I want to know which one of your brilliant scientist can tell me how the coding took place, who put it there and what does it say.
Please refrain from using Globle Warming experts in your explanation....

3r, you seem to be an authority on Chelicerata. Tell me why you think the Phylum is the right classification for the spider.
I'm not an authority on anything, much less whatever it is you're talking about.
The message 3R is that scout has to sabotage every thread with inane unfunny jibberish. In this case he did a Google search to cut and paste spider info which once again wasn't funny nor informative.
Duck your over your head.
A checker mentality bores me.

Try learning chess...
01) P-K4 QN-QN3
02) KN-KB3
Yal, algebraic notation is nice when playing a computer but I prefer "English Notation" on line if possible. Your right, a lot of kids just take one look at this and conclude I'm a fossil... 57
Its "you're" not "your" Professor. Bahahaha.
Perhaps I should go to your website
Don't even come on here telling us how intelligent you are when you might be the WORST speller on this site. What's sad is that you can't spell very simple words. Don't tell me it's your phone or anything else because you do it all the time.
I notice that you find "your" vs "you're" unacceptable but overlook "those people" when talking about minorities. I thought liberals cared for the suppressed. I believe what you and Duck are really saying is that you don't agree with my post so therefore you will dissect them in any way you can to prop up your own views.

Sure I agree that I make all kinds of grammar mistakes while posting here.
The .... you see so often are from my chess notation background.

Is it proper English ???... NO

Do I care?

At times yes !!!
today not so much.

As for taking anyone seriously...

This site is just for fun.

No one cares what you think.
Including Barack Obama ...

Have a goood
Nothing you've posted on this thread has ANYTHING to do with the NM's original post about what could be a VERY important discovery. You just bring up something about minorities and someone saying "those people" and I have NO idea where than came from. You can have more fun on the football board I'm sure. Do you go off talking about chess and spiders there too?
Come on 3r you're worrying to much about nothing. Just talk about things Scout likes talking about. Things like Alpha Centaurian Globle Warming, or Martian arachnids and they're homes on the darkside of Mars, or 1. e4[/URL] d6[/URL] 2. d4[/URL] Nf6[/URL] 3. Nc3[/URL] g6[/URL] 4. Be3[/URL] Bg7[/URL] 5. Qd2[/URL] c6[/URL] 6. f3[/URL] b5[/URL]7. Nge2[/URL] Nbd7[/URL] 8. Bh6[/URL] Bh6[/URL] 9. Qh6[/URL] Bb7[/URL] 10. a3[/URL] e5[/URL] 11. O-O-O[/URL]Qe7[/URL] 12. Kb1[/URL] a6[/URL] 13. Nc1[/URL] O-O-O[/URL] 14. Nb3[/URL] ed4[/URL] 15. Rd4[/URL] c5[/URL]16. Rd1[/URL] Nb6[/URL] 17. g3[/URL] Kb8[/URL] 18. Na5[/URL] Ba8[/URL] 19. Bh3[/URL] d5[/URL] 20. Qf4[/URL] Ka7[/URL]21. Rhe1[/URL] d4[/URL] 22. Nd5[/URL] Nbd5[/URL] 23. ed5[/URL] Qd6[/URL] 24. Rd4[/URL] cd4[/URL] 25. Re7[/URL]Kb6[/URL] 26. Qd4[/URL] Ka5[/URL] 27. b4[/URL] Ka4[/URL] 28. Qc3[/URL] Qd5[/URL] 29. Ra7[/URL] Bb7[/URL]30. Rb7[/URL] Qc4[/URL] 31. Qf6[/URL] Ka3[/URL] 32. Qa6[/URL] Kb4[/URL] 33. c3[/URL] Kc3[/URL] 34. Qa1[/URL]Kd2[/URL] 35. Qb2[/URL] Kd1[/URL] 36. Bf1[/URL] Rd2[/URL] 37. Rd7[/URL] Rd7[/URL] 38. Bc4[/URL] bc4[/URL]39. Qh8[/URL] Rd3[/URL] 40. Qa8[/URL] c3[/URL] 41. Qa4[/URL] Ke1[/URL] 42. f4[/URL] f5[/URL] 43. Kc1[/URL] Rd2[/URL]44. Qa7[/URL]
Probably right about needing another outlet for my hobbies, no one cares about that either.
As for the..."those people"
Never mind, I'm sure it was not meant with malice.

See ya 3r in maybe a year or so.
Duck will be so delighted that someone finally shut me up...

Sorry about your thread Expect, you made good points...
I don't care if anybody leaves or not. I would like them to speak english and somewhat on topic. A lot of threads get off track but at least it's about something people can discuss, not chess or aliens from far away planets.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
I don't care if anybody leaves or not. I would like them to speak english and somewhat on topic. A lot of threads get off track but at least it's about something people can discuss, not chess or aliens from far away planets.
You really should go back and see who took this thread off track.
The new antibioyic truly is good news. I don't get too excited over things I kind of expect though. This is the kind of stuff science is real good at.

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