Womp womp womp womp

Every repub friend I have said the same thing - covid would disappear on Nov 4th. We all heard it all summer even though SCIENCE told us covid would reemerge with a vengeance this flu season.

But then again, repubs have never met a conspiracy theory they didn't like.
I have asked many people who talked about this happening after the election if they still stand by this. Most will say now they meant the news would not longer be covering it not that it would actually go away. When I mention well it still looks like the news is covering it, they then mention that the liberal news needs to make sure that Trump is ran out of office because he actually won the election.... These are college educated people saying this not some redneck....holy cow.
I have said from day one it was about control. I never said it was a hoax (the hype was and still is) but it was a tool used to take down Trump but also a means to gauge how far people could be controlled.
So how is this 'flu bug' going in your part of the state? Must not be too bad if you still think it's all about hype.

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