Wisconsin voters


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Polls are changing. They are looking at Trump because maybe they don't want to support the people that are blackmailing them while their businesses get torched.

Of course, the Democrats claim that Trumps' warnings if Democrats are elected are politically calculated, not the fact their livelihoods are being destroyed and burnt to the ground.
Trump got a poll bump as of late....within the margin of error in a lot of states now. And of course what worries dem's the most is the voters that the polls can't reach aka the Trumps secret voters...those who won't respond to automated or personal polling or overtly skew their answers. The leftist take great glee in Virtue signaling and venting their disdain for their fellow ... citizens on the Conservative side via polling. While many Conservatives wisely won't give information to Polls that have their private information that can be sold or given to big tech and big corp.

This could be a landslide come Nov.!!! The rioting, looting, entitlement of Celebrities and athletes who are the Picture of Privilege and birthright who then speak down to and cast aspersions at hardworking Americans who are the backbone of their life of luxury isn't going to work out well for them.
No way Trump wins. He will undo all the good work the RNC presented in a few days. His twitter account is his Achilles heel.

People will look back and sift through the ashes of our society and trying to figure out why our civilization fell.

They'll find spoiled brats, predominately fatherless, that went insane, and Trump's stupid tweets, rendering him ineffective to stop America from becoming the Democrat Hellscape of communism.

I'm being facetious but this is as good as any theory out there. This fight was over before it started.
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Yeah, all this violence talk started yesterday. That polling memo really helped me decide what position to take on rioters, looters, and socialism that drives their supporters.
He does not need to sway the ones he already conned. He has to sway the ones who think for themselves.
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One of the Lincoln guys you hate said today that internal polling by the Trump campaign is telling them they can make hay with the big city violence issue if they keep pounded it, which explains why you and they are. We will see if it sways enough people.
The people in Wisconsin seem pretty furious over the Democrat handling of the riots.
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Candidates always get a bump in the polls following their convention.

Yes, repubs and trump are loving the riots, hence the white outside agitators coming in to get the chaos going.
Bidens didn't rise

I have stated since the riots started after GF death the Dems are going to sit back and do nothing hoping it will hurt Trump,and it did because the Dems were keeping quite and letting the riots and looting go.

Now the American people have gotten fed up with it and the Dems are running around trying to fix their screw up
Bidens didn't rise

I have stated since the riots started after GF death the Dems are going to sit back and do nothing hoping it will hurt Trump,and it did because the Dems were keeping quite and letting the riots and looting go.

Now the American people have gotten fed up with it and the Dems are running around trying to fix their screw up
It turns out people in the suburbs don't like it when they burn down the suburbs. WHO KNEW.
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Then why did Biden lose most of "his lead" during his?
Yep. He lost a little ground after the DNC convention.
For perspective here are the RCP averages of some states now vs same time in 2016.

Wisconsin Clinton +9. Biden + 3.5
Michigan Clinton + 8.6. Biden +2.6
Pennsylvania Clinton + 7.4 Biden +4.7

This is without the post RNC convention polling. Biden is well on his way to getting rolled and smoked.
Undecided voters had a big hand in putting Trump in the White House four years ago. In August 2016 an estimated 20 percent of voters were undecided, compared to 10 percent now, and in key battleground states, more than half who chose in the final week of the campaign went for Trump.
Undecided played some part. In Michigan and Pennsylvania. Overall amounted to about .9% difference in the final margins. Biden is several points behind Hillary at this point.

The key word is more than half. If 1000 people vote, 20% are undecided and they go 55-45 for one person that is 110 votes vs 90. That is 2% diffence in that case. In 2016 it was .9% or more like 105 votes vs 95 in that group of 200
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One of the Lincoln guys you hate said today that internal polling by the Trump campaign is telling them they can make hay with the big city violence issue if they keep pounded it, which explains why you and they are. We will see if it sways enough people.

Trump doesn't have to pound it...he has offered help multiple times. Those Cities and States have refused all the while blaming him. He clearly hasn't infringed on the 10th amd. and went in anyway. OH and protecting federal property is part of the Fed's job.

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