Will our grandkids even know?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
When my grandkids are old enough to travel around the country with their own families and there are no glaciers in glacier national park and very few live sequoias in sequoia NP and no roads to drive on in Yellowstone will they even know our refusal to get off fossil fuels has all but destroyed our planet? No they won’t. Because the right wingers will pass laws to make sure it isn’t taught in public schools. You know they will.

LOL historically before the invention of the combustion engine and the use of Fossil Fuels to power them the average person was born, lived and died in a 25-50 mile radius, depending on who's data you believe.

Most rarely ever travelled for entertainment or enjoyment in their lifespan.

Now you are angry that the very means that provides the possibility of Vacation time is not being replaced with a Magic Green Clean Power Source that is not forthcoming in your grandkids life time.

And that the sites that are being destroyed by the environmental changes won't be around to enjoy for your grandkids via the use of Fossil Fuel that affords the travel to those sites but that you despise because of it's contribution to climate change. Do you not see the hypocrisy of your angst!!

Maybe stay home and Save the Planet and stop adding to it's destruction is the Answer if you care so much.

And a lot of people don't Trust the left leaning rank and file teachers to actually give a fair and unbiased environmental change analysis....hence those type of bills are being brought to state legislators and being passed.

It's pretty clear that we are going to be dependent on FF for the next 100 yrs and maybe 200 yrs to power our civilization and that we are going to have to adapt to a ever changing environment and landscape.

Conservatives have figured this out and accept it we are OK with the change as long as our children and Grandchildren's current lifestyle is the same.

But the Leftwing actually believes that Radical Lifestyle changes of the Peasant class must happen and they will be accepted if enough fear is propagandized to them. Don't eat meat, give up the family vehicle, live in smaller cramped homes to reduce those massive Carbon Foot prints!! They literally are on record saying that Carbon lifestyles need to be reduced by 91-95 percent in high income countries... so don't worry vacations will probably be illegal if they have their way but it's worth it saving the planet and all!! Just live WORK and exist without the lifestyle of our modern civilization.

Of course the Elites will still live in Energy sucking Mansions, travel in Fleets of Special vehicles and Fly to parts unknown in Polluting Air Craft...
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