Why was an accused felon able to buy a gun?

Accused tax cheats don't have easy access to the money they've stolen once they are charged.

The Federal Government is quite powerful (much more so than the states.) Innocent until proven guilty doesn't mean there aren't restrictions on your actions. Think frozen bank accounts, ankle monitors, passport turned over, etc.

Once you are charged with a crime, we don't have a policy to give you access to do whatever you want. You're subject to restrictions that reflect the idea that you are under serious investigation for committing a certain offense, and we are going to make it harder for you to commit the same offense and to avoid punishment for your actions.
And why aren't you legit gun owners raising hell to close the loop holes?
That's why all you gun restriction preaching liberals don't have a clue. People don't pay any attention to them and they don't amount to a good spit in the River. If the kid wanted a gun he goes buys one out of the trunk of an old Buick in an alley. Those guys don't call the FBI for a background check.
That's why all you gun restriction preaching liberals don't have a clue. People don't pay any attention to them and they don't amount to a good spit in the River. If the kid wanted a gun he goes buys one out of the trunk of an old Buick in an alley. Those guys don't call the FBI for a background check.
Same thing with marijuana, heroin, meth, etc. Stevie you are a piece of work.
Accused and convicted are different. Not every person accused of a crime are guilty. Agree that this lunatic would have found a gun anyway. As I stated in previous thread, no gun control legislation will make a difference at this point. There are already millions of registered and unregistered guns in circulation. Anyone that wants one can find one. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.
While it IS against the LAW to give an accused (and still pending) felon a gun, his father did it anyway! Did that gun law work? It hasn't even been established that he used that gun. All gun laws do is stop law abiding people from getting guns. If this guy was law abiding, he wouldn't have got that gun! What law would prevent him from getting a gun?
Thats logic to have no laws. Why have a law against murder when the guy killed those nine people anyway.

I find your logic incredibly lacking.
Thats logic to have no laws. Why have a law against murder when the guy killed those nine people anyway.

I find your logic incredibly lacking.

I never said we shouldn't have laws. WE ALREADY DO!!!!
The question was "how could this happen". It happens because gun laws only work if people wanting to commit a crime follow the law. Since people still murder even though it's against the law, are you saying we need more murder laws? Maybe we should outlaw mean talk since most murders occur when people are mad at each other.
No, your point is we shouldn't have the law because it failed in one circumstance. That's not an argument to not have a law.

The law could be made to be more effective. You oppose the change that would make it more effective.
Liberals won't allow effective gun laws,,,, I would be 100% behind very severe penalties for anyone convicted of s crime using any kind of weapon. Some kid robs a convince store with a knife or a gun you put him in in jail for life,,,,,that would be an enforceable law that would bring down crime rates
Same thing with marijuana, heroin, meth, etc. Stevie you are a piece of work.

Possession an sale of Illegal drugs are not a Constitutionaly protected right.


Read much
Possession an sale of Illegal drugs are not a Constitutionaly protected right.


Read much
1. way to leave out the part about a well regulated militia
2. I would amend the constitution. The founders had no idea what America would be like in 2015.
3. Plenty of reasonable gun laws aren't an infringement on rights, like a gun registry and a requirement that gun sales be subject to background checks.
You all are still missing the point. Anyone can get a gun anytime. There are millions and millions of them available legally or illegally. I've never owned a gun and guarantee you that I (or anyone else in US) could find one in 5 minutes if I wanted one. Talk of gun control is pure politics. It's too late people - get it thru your heads.
We could get the problem under control over time. I'm not naive enough to say it's a panacea but it's nuts that we don't have a gun registry the same way we have a car registry.
You all are still missing the point. Anyone can get a gun anytime. There are millions and millions of them available legally or illegally. I've never owned a gun and guarantee you that I (or anyone else in US) could find one in 5 minutes if I wanted one. Talk of gun control is pure politics. It's too late people - get it thru your heads.

Yes, but we can make it difficult and expensive to purchase ammo.