Maybe because
- More than 90,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 since January.
- As of Tuesday, at least 17 states have recorded a clear upward trend of average new daily cases.
- Remove NY, NO and Detroit and the country’s trajectory is not falling
- We're approaching Depression-level unemployment.
- The Covid-19 shutdown economic recovery could take years, according to the Fed chairman.
- The vast majority of $500 billion set aside by Congress to stabilize the economy hasn't been spent by the administration.
- A whistleblower says the Trump administration attempted to bypass the vetting process for hydroxychloroquine.
- The administration is threatening to end World Health Organization funding over its response to coronavirus rising in China, but Trump himself spent January and February praising China.
- The Trump administration has replaced or removed four inspectors general since impeachment.
- The ousted State Department inspector general was in investigating a Saudi arms deal.
- What could be the first deadly al Qaeda attack on US soil since 9/11 occurred last year in Florida.