Where will the Webb vs Joplin game be on schedule??

That can never start too early for Joplin vs Webb.

I think they have played 3 times since Joplin combined and Webb started playing football ;)
none have been tight games. Joplin winning the first Webb the next two.
CJ and then Joplin....

could WC go 0-2 in 18?

doubtful...dont think joplin can stop the veer however they might score a couple times. not sure what cj lost for players but last years team would of beat joplin too.
Othere then DH at RB, the webbers dont return much for 2018
The guys we lost really weren't very good,,barely squeaked by putting #14 in the case. Should have some players to work with next year. I mean things must be pretty bad when Webb had a Freshman having to play in the state title game.
If Joplin is week 2, when do they play Carthage? This game has been week 2 for the last couple years after being week 1 before CJ joined. Do you happen to know when Carthage will play Joplin?
ok whats the spread on this game (WC vs Joplin)? Whats the over under?
Id say Joplin +8
over under 62

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