Where do terrorists get guns?

So basically, the liberals don't have any problem with potential terrorists entering the country. Just as long as the NRA doesn't allow them to buy weapons...... Got it
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The elite liberals want us peasant's to defend ourselve's with rakes and shovels while they have all the guns. If we "trusted' it'd be different. Our distrust is why so many states have rejected the President's call that state's allow Syrian refugee's to enter this country and settle. I ran into petition today at MCI calling for the state of Missouri to not allow Syrian refugees to settle here.
You do realize the states have no actual ability to stop the federal government from settling refugees, right? It's pure pandering to the base.

The refugee hysteria is one of the low points of recent politics.
So basically, the liberals don't have any problem with potential terrorists entering the country. Just as long as the NRA doesn't allow them to buy weapons...... Got it
The liberals believe in the ideals of America and in resettling extensively screened victims of torture, women, and children. The hysteria is xenophobic pandering of the worst sort.
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The liberals believe in the ideals of America and in resettling extensively screened victims of torture, women, and children. The hysteria is xenophobic pandering of the worst sort.

So the 10,000 Syrian refugees Obama wants to admit are "extensively screened victims of torture, women and children"?

If that were true, I might go for it.

For some reason, I don't trust that to be the case.
You do realize the states have no actual ability to stop the federal government from settling refugees, right? It's pure pandering to the base.

The refugee hysteria is one of the low points of recent politics.
No I didn't know the states have no actual ability to stop the FG from settling refugees. I know we certainly have a law for everything under the sun. I know there can be specific legislation introduced at the state level to prevent Syrians from entering. I haven't studied enough law to know better. I didn't sign the petition. Call it a gut feeling.
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A little research on "The new Colossus" makes me wonder.

"Send me your poor, your tired masses"....... A nice little poem, sounded nice when we were a young country, yearning for citizens to work hard and build a great country.

Now that we are overpopulated, with 45 % of the country on the public dole, how does it sound now?

"Send me your poor, so we can feed and clothe them, pay for their medical care, house them, educate them, pay for their babies, .... And if they want too cut off our heads, crucify us or burn us to death, so be it, this is America, land of the immigrant".
The liberals believe in the ideals of America and in resettling extensively screened victims of torture, women, and children. The hysteria is xenophobic pandering of the worst sort.
What are the 10,000 refugees we're going to take in do while they're being vetted for a couple of years? I haven't heard anyone ask that question on TV yet. By the time they get the ok to come here the problem may be in a different country than Syria. I say we send them all to Saudi Arabia and other rich oil countries with enough or OUR money to take good care of them. The trip would be much easier for them.
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A little research on "The new Colossus" makes me wonder.

"Send me your poor, your tired masses"....... A nice little poem, sounded nice when we were a young country, yearning for citizens to work hard and build a great country.

Now that we are overpopulated, with 45 % of the country on the public dole, how does it sound now?

"Send me your poor, so we can feed and clothe them, pay for their medical care, house them, educate them, pay for their babies, .... And if they want too cut off our heads, crucify us or burn us to death, so be it, this is America, land of the immigrant".
There's no gray area with this. I appreciate your opinion more than my opinion, which is simply " I don't know". You could be completely right. I tend to think it's somewhere in the middle. Each case is different. I've met many successful people from other countries, smart people that work hard, contribute and capitalize on the American dream, Doctor's and highly skilled difference makers.. I've met other's that want something for nothing, looking for a free ride. I have no way of knowing which is the majority. I do know this, I can't drive around my neighborhood or go to chinese buffet at lunch that there are not latino's working there ass off on construction or in the buffet cooking my lunch. The unseen is what I don't know. I look on FBI most wanted list and the first 20 are immigrants. I've read the book "Adios America". There are some valid points in this book. 45% on the public dole seems a beyond what can be a real statistic to hang your hat on.
There's no gray area with this. I appreciate your opinion more than my opinion, which is simply " I don't know". You could be completely right. I tend to think it's somewhere in the middle. Each case is different. I've met many successful people from other countries, smart people that work hard, contribute and capitalize on the American dream, Doctor's and highly skilled difference makers.. I've met other's that want something for nothing, looking for a free ride. I have no way of knowing which is the majority. I do know this, I can't drive around my neighborhood or go to chinese buffet at lunch that there are not latino's working there ass off on construction or in the buffet cooking my lunch. The unseen is what I don't know. I look on FBI most wanted list and the first 20 are immigrants. I've read the book "Adios America". There are some valid points in this book. 45% on the public dole seems a beyond what can be a real statistic to hang your hat on.

My mom always told me not to believe everything I read.........
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What are the 10,000 refugees we're going to take in do while they're being vetted for a couple of years? I haven't heard anyone ask that question on TV yet. By the time they get the ok to come here the problem may be in a different country than Syria. I say we send them all to Saudi Arabia and other rich oil countries with enough or OUR money to take good care of them. The trip would be much easier for them.
They wait. Vetting is required before they are allowed to enter the US

we take refugees every year, this isn't a new thing. Where refugees come from changes annually based upon how the world changes.
A little research on "The new Colossus" makes me wonder.

"Send me your poor, your tired masses"....... A nice little poem, sounded nice when we were a young country, yearning for citizens to work hard and build a great country.

Now that we are overpopulated, with 45 % of the country on the public dole, how does it sound now?

"Send me your poor, so we can feed and clothe them, pay for their medical care, house them, educate them, pay for their babies, .... And if they want too cut off our heads, crucify us or burn us to death, so be it, this is America, land of the immigrant".
The poem is emblematic of the values of what America should be. Instead we have politicians pretending four year old orphans are trained assassins.
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So the 10,000 Syrian refugees Obama wants to admit are "extensively screened victims of torture, women and children"?

If that were true, I might go for it.

For some reason, I don't trust that to be the case.
I think it's reasonable to make sure you have the right program in place but, yes, the requirements for the refugee program are quite high, and the definition of what a refugee is is also limited. This is not a new program. They've just expanded the count a little to take in a few more Syrians.

The hysterical politicians aren't asking for reasonable policy adjustments; they are spouting off a bunch of nonsense.
There's no gray area with this. I appreciate your opinion more than my opinion, which is simply " I don't know". You could be completely right. I tend to think it's somewhere in the middle. Each case is different. I've met many successful people from other countries, smart people that work hard, contribute and capitalize on the American dream, Doctor's and highly skilled difference makers.. I've met other's that want something for nothing, looking for a free ride. I have no way of knowing which is the majority. I do know this, I can't drive around my neighborhood or go to chinese buffet at lunch that there are not latino's working there ass off on construction or in the buffet cooking my lunch. The unseen is what I don't know. I look on FBI most wanted list and the first 20 are immigrants. I've read the book "Adios America". There are some valid points in this book. 45% on the public dole seems a beyond what can be a real statistic to hang your hat on.
I'm assuming he is calling Medicare and SS the dole or something like that. Or taking a very narrow view of taxation that only accounts for the federal income tax.

The size of the refugee program is rounding error in any case.
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Saw a pretty good one liner the other night.

You have 10,000 M&M's, 10 are poison. Do you still take a handful to eat?
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A little research on "The new Colossus" makes me wonder.

"Send me your poor, your tired masses"....... A nice little poem, sounded nice when we were a young country, yearning for citizens to work hard and build a great country.

Now that we are overpopulated, with 45 % of the country on the public dole, how does it sound now?

"Send me your poor, so we can feed and clothe them, pay for their medical care, house them, educate them, pay for their babies, .... And if they want too cut off our heads, crucify us or burn us to death, so be it, this is America, land of the immigrant".

So you're saying stuff that was written back in the days of the Founding Fathers might not apply in today's world? How very strange to hear on here. I seem to remember seeing multiple posts per day saying that we need to get back on track to what the FF wrote.
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So you're saying stuff that was written back in the days of the Founding Fathers might not apply in today's world? How very strange to hear on here. I seem to remember seeing multiple posts per day saying that we need to get back on track to what the FF wrote.

So we should disregard the constitution, but adhere to a poem?

Obviously, the world has changed in the last 240 years. Is that why we have ammendments?
So we should disregard the constitution, but adhere to a poem?

Obviously, the world has changed in the last 240 years. Is that why we have ammendments?
I think he pointed out a very good logical fallacy.

If people are going to fall all over themselves claiming the second amendment works perfectly even though the world has very clearly evolved over 230 years, or claim that the first amendment doesn't produce an absurd outcome in terms of campaign finance, they are going to have trouble claiming that America is "different" in other ways so difference policies are needed.
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They wait. Vetting is required before they are allowed to enter the US

we take refugees every year, this isn't a new thing. Where refugees come from changes annually based upon how the world changes.
They wait where? Who will house and feed them for a couple of years while we vet them? If they can keep them safe and fed that long they can just have them forever right?
They wait where? Who will house and feed them for a couple of years while we vet them? If they can keep them safe and fed that long they can just have them forever right?

Rumor is going to have a crowded living room.
They wait where? Who will house and feed them for a couple of years while we vet them? If they can keep them safe and fed that long they can just have them forever right?
They sit in refugee camps managed by the UN or someone like that. That's not a long-term strategy.
I'll remember this when somebody suggests I adopt a kid when they justify murdering them.
The comparison doesn't make sense. Child refugees are settled with families. Adults are placed on their own with the expectation that they will learn how to make a life on their own.

A newborn or young child doesn't have that ability, and we have moved away from government orphanages as a policy because we feel adoption and fostering promotes better outcomes at a lower cost.
If you wanted you could go look up the criteria for what is a refugee and where they come from to the us. But that might challenge your preconceived notion.
I think he pointed out a very good logical fallacy.

If people are going to fall all over themselves claiming the second amendment works perfectly even though the world has very clearly evolved over 230 years, or claim that the first amendment doesn't produce an absurd outcome in terms of campaign finance, they are going to have trouble claiming that America is "different" in other ways so difference policies are needed.

NM you know way more than me about the law. I've learned to seek different ideas as per some of your posts.
Yes, the writer's of the constitution could not have forseen a world that has de-volved but they certainly feared for it. Except for Treason and an occasional torture of a few 100 Quaker's they were people of Christian faith Lol. "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people". President John Adams "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports" George Washington. I know this is a not a sexy concept for contemporary people.To modern ears, the suggestion that our constitution is made for a religious people raises concerns about the “separation of church and state” and “theocracy.” That is not what Adams, Washington, and the others had in mind. Hence the establishment of a Liberal Arts Educational system. We have intentionally mis-interpreted the Law's for Separation of Church and State. How has this made us better?
Adam's believed the Hebrews did more to civilize men then any other group, and had no qualms to argue it on the floor of Congress. “If I were an atheist . . . I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and to propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization." John Adams
The folks that fall all over themselves defending the original doctrine are speaking for the original intention.
Influential Gun Grabbers need to come out say, "America, you are Godless immoral people that can no longer have the freedoms that original 2nd amendment intended". Once and forever, we're going to confiscate every gun and melt them down, and while were at it this is no longer a free society and this is the just the first of many steps to change the entire Bill of Rights.
John Adams feared that a free republic, absent of religion would eventually not be worth saving. One of my favorite quotes regarding law and mankind. "Hence no set of laws would be perfect. We are also creatures of habit. Hence no one set of laws can be universally applicable". This coming from a man that instituted the Liberal Arts Educational system that we know today. An education that has been nuetered, void of religion beyond the seminaries. Religion, laws and politics are inseperable and perhaps more important in a free society than any other kind.
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Not that the exact % is all that important, my point remains, we don't need immigrants to grow our country like we used to. Now all they do is grow the number on PA.
I get my 1st social security check in March. Finally I will be able to live on the government dole Yahooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just hope I get my investment out before the politicians figure out a way to screw me out of it.

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