Where art thou?

Westran is very young, only have 9 returning lettermen. Playing a freshmen and sophomore at QB Also only 4 seniors on roster. Lost 10 seniors from last years team and all but one linemen.They will be a lot better next year. Should return 9 or 10 on each side of ball next year. About all I know bout them cards
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Malden would be another one 10-2 couple years back and now 1-8

Joel Wyatt(a former assistant of Steve Ary at Mountain Grove and Willow Springs) took over at Malden roughly 7-8 years ago and changed the culture and turned the program around there the 4-5 years that he was there. He then left and took the head job at Kennett(8-0 so far this year and I believe they were 11-2? last year in his first year there) and it only took Malden 1 year to fall apart.
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Here's the teams stick out to me.
South Callway
Trinity- (YES TRINITY)
Hazelwood East
Ft Zumwalt East
Parkway North
Rock Bridge

Feel free to ask about others, but these two really stick out to me.[/QUOTE]
Westran is very young, only have 9 returning lettermen. Playing a freshmen and sophomore at QB Also only 4 seniors on roster. Lost 10 seniors from last years team and all but one linemen.They will be a lot better next year. Should return 9 or 10 on each side of ball next year. About all I know bout them cards
Here's the teams stick out to me.
South Callway
Trinity- (YES TRINITY)
Hazelwood East
Ft Zumwalt East
Parkway North
Rock Bridge

Feel free to ask about others, but these two really stick out to me.

Smith-Cotton coach told me that they were young and had lost kids dew to them starting a E-Sports league at the high school.
At Penney its numbers and no super star(s) as in past years.
They went through a stretch of several years where they had 6-8 of the best athletes to ever go through the school. Very unusual group of athletes. (probably recruited from Kidder and Breckenridge)
Maybe just back to normal?
They went through a stretch of several years where they had 6-8 of the best athletes to ever go through the school. Very unusual group of athletes. (probably recruited from Kidder and Breckenridge)
Maybe just back to normal?
I think their normal is winning (Class 1 and 2), they could get back there soon. They have had some amazing athletes come through there back to the Prather kid, Overstreet, and the Harpers just to name a few. They also had a very good coach during that stretch.
As most programs (especially in the smaller schools) several schools are just having down years because the lack of better athletes than in years past. You are starting to see it more in the bigger schools as well these days too.

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