Well they approved construction of the Keystone Pipeline (a very important bill that most Americans support) confirmed Sec Def Carter, and are holding hearings on the new AG position. Does Obama not know any white folks to be considered for AG?
and the first session of the 114th Senate has already had 56 roll call votes as compared to the 113th congress first session at this time under Harry Reid having allowed only 21 votes.
Republican Senate even allows debate and amendments to bills !!
As soon as SCOTUS rules states using federal ACA program are not eligible to grant people subsidies the house and senate will start working to tear apart O'Bamacare. ( Very cleary worded in the ACA, Now under Republicwn control lawers for both House and Senate will say that it reads exactly how it was intended to be used) and with people in Obamas own staff on record saying that was the way it was intended the Supreme Court will probably rule to impliment it exactly as written, or go through the correct legeslative procedure to change the wording to include both state run, and federal exchanges. Justice Roberts is going to rule against Obama, the boy king is done