What's the go to virus prophylactic now?

You know this is so funny I have been watching Squawk Box live on my computer 8 hours a day I have it on even now, I didn't hear that at all. The one doctor they had on said it was very promising at this point as many patients especially in New York who are on it are recovering faster as it seems to be cutting the recovery time. And they said the supply is robust at this time.
The one doctor they had on said it was very promising at this point as many patients especially in New York who are on it are recovering faster as it seems to be cutting the recovery time. And they said the supply is robust at this time.
It's readily available, and has no down side that i've heard of. There seems to but at least possible upside though. The only reason to object to it is Trump was early on it!
It's readily available, and has no down side that i've heard of. There seems to but at least possible upside though. The only reason to object to it is Trump was early on it!

The political spin that is going on right now I just hate. Like I said I have been watching CNBC, CNN, and NBC live almost none stop, and they are always looking for that gotcha moment. Not only that I will watch something and then two or three hours later the interview I watched live they will edited it to make it fit what they are saying currently. The other morning NBC had Doctor Fauci, and they kept grilling him on stay at home orders should we not be doing that. He kept telling them if everybody would just do what has been put in place then we would be okay. You could see the frustration on their faces, they wanted him to just say we need it. For the longest time I thought bull crap on fake news, but what I am seeing some of these news channels do is a disgrace to journalist. I just don't understand it. Just report on what you hear and quit trying to spin it to fit what you wanted to hear.
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Yes, that is true but, i'm not hearing of the downside with THIS drug.......the one we are discussing. Maybe you have info I don't?
Can affect heart rhythm, most notably.

And taking drug supply away from people who have a disease like lupus that this is proven to treat is also a loss to society. That's not a reason to stop testing things, but it is a reason to limit use of something that hasn't been proven to do anything yet.
Can affect heart rhythm, most notably.

And taking drug supply away from people who have a disease like lupus that this is proven to treat is also a loss to society. That's not a reason to stop testing things, but it is a reason to limit use of something that hasn't been proven to do anything yet.
Many who have had success with the drug noted the heart rhythm issue. Not aware if fatalities have occurred though.
With Novartis pumping out massive amounts (130 million doses) and Israel donating several million doses, I don't see supply as an issue for those already using the drug.
Until supply becomes a concern, there really doesn't seem to be a downside for the severely ill and is at least promising as a preventative/treatment.
Can affect heart rhythm, most notably.

And taking drug supply away from people who have a disease like lupus that this is proven to treat is also a loss to society. That's not a reason to stop testing things, but it is a reason to limit use of something that hasn't been proven to do anything yet.
They are acquiring millions of doses. Shortness of supply won’t be the issue. I have A-Fib myself so might not be a good option for me possibly but I think they is a big difference right now between most patients taking it and the most severe of cases giving it a shot. File it under unproven as yet but promising.
Why does Israel have 50 deaths with 9000 cases?
See other thread, but another big counter: why aren't we seeing decent evidence in the US that this does something material? Why would people like Dr. Gottlieb and Dr. Fauci not be shouting from the rooftops if we had decent evidence that this did something material?

To date, you're grasping at straws and falling for the President's puffery. There's no decent evidence that this is a wonder drug. It's been tested as much or more than any other treatment; if it really did something big, we'd almost certainly know something by now.

I'm inclined to listen to him and think along these lines - we need a decent antiviral, and we should focus a lot of time and effort on using the most plausible antivirals that are out there.
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