Autopsy results show 2-year-old died from severe blunt force trauma to the head
Ezekiel Harry, 2, was allegedly killed by his mother and her boyfriend before they stuffed his body into a trash can.
This mother was obviously inconvenienced with this 2 year old boy and he probably brought a hardship on her lifestyle. Also, this wasn't even a child, it was a 3 year old fetus. Sure this was a violent death but a couple years earlier this same mom could have paid to have this boy ripped apart as it was taken from her womb.
The mom and her boyfriend are probably facing the death penalty for this as people in our country are furious over some states making it illegal to murder their pre-born children. What is the difference between this boy being brutally murdered at 2 years old or murdered in the womb?
Nice to see the outpouring of people at this boy's funeral.