I said I don’t know the answer to your question. When I asked you for your answer you said the answer is in the question. I’m too damn dumb to figure out your riddle. PLEASE, this dumbarse wants to know the answer.
To answer your question, I think my question is pretty rhetorical. And the socialists confirm it with their silence. Capitalism in the US on its worst day is better than any socialist government on its best day. Spare me the Scandinavia stuff, and good luck if Russia ever decided they wanted it.
The answer is the United States is the most successful country in the history of the world, economic strength, innovation, quality of life, opportunity, freedom to gripe about the government and protest it. There is so much complaint about how we do things here. Have any democracies led to what we see in Venezuela today? Are there problems..of course. Always will be.
I will readily concede we have socialist elements in our nation...to me it feels like we keep giving little bit more of our freedom away each time we let the government “take care of something.” I don’t like where we are headed.
Does anyone on here think what is going on in Europe is a good thing? Cultures being taken over, people are working hard for a living and sending it all to the government because the government “knows best.” Who wants to pay 60% income tax? Or 25% sales tax on top of it?
Who in the world thinks our government is an efficient, morally upright place? Nobody. If our government had to operate like a business, it would have bankrupted and closed decades ago.
Why would we allow them MORE control and more of our money? Why would we let a governing body tell us how to spend our money and our time? Government encroachment isn’t freedom! Why would anyone want to give up freedom?
We will implode...it will be slowly....as our young people are being taught this is a great thing and we slowly get voted toward greater government control. It’s still all about greed and power. Majority rule will eventually have us back trying socialism again.
My main point is this: what is there to fear about capitalism? What is so bad about it other than some people have more than other people? Socialism. Does. Not. Work. In. Practice. If there wasn’t democracy in the world, it would be a nightmare.
We must not just decide things with our hearts, but also with our minds.
I’m not saying our capitalism is perfect (or that it is even close to pure capitalism). The stuff we whine about daily is a joke compared to what majority of the world is worried about. A lot of that is because we are free here.