#Zizzers start on the 3. Falcons offside. Lidgard first down on the 15. Rackley keeps for 9! Lidgard first down. Rackley long incomplete. Rackley to Lidgard incomplete. Lidgard first down! Rackley to Seley first down on the 45! Rackley keeps. Lidgard to the 40. Rackley to Miller first down! Lidgard gets 3. Rackley to Ackerson first down! Rackley bullet to Seley, runs it in for the TD! Keller gets the extra point. 28-0, #Zizzers lead Glendale with 54 seconds in the half. #GoZizzers! #TheZizzerZone
Falcons onside kick, fumble but #Zizzers recover. Lidgard gets stopped. Illegal procedure, Zizzers. Rackley to Miller complete. Lidgard first down on the 32. Rackley to Lidgard for 4. Rackley to Hickson first down! Rackley keeps for the TD! Keller gets the extra point. 35-0 #Zizzers lead Glendale, 3rd quarter. #GoZizzers! #TheZizzerZone
McGinley and Washington take down. Falcons long, compete. Washington interception on the 32! Lidgard runs 68 yards for the TD! Falcons penalties, 2 of them, and Keller gets the extra point. #Zizzers lead 42-0, 3rd quarter. #GoZizzers! #TheZizzerZone
#Zizzers first down! Lidgard first down on the 28. Lidgard gets 5. Seley runs it all the way in taking 5 Falcons with him. Keller gets the extra point. 49-14 #Zizzers lead Glendale. #GoZizzers! #TheZizzerZone