well well

Read your 1st post and then read mine. I never messed with your family fool. I messed with you. In fact your wife must be a saint to put up with your arrogance. Let me break it down for you. Did she file for a divorce because you had an affair with Ilhan Omar.
Yes. Watched my daughter play basketball many times and we would visit. I’m not from your area. We would meet when we played park hills central. I’m a retired hs basketball coach
That gets me closer but I ain't there yet. I do know I've seen a lot of basketball in the MAAA over the years, when I lived in Bonne Terre years ago and even more since I've been back in P.B. I sure did like it when we got 67 4-lanes all the way through, makes that trip so much better. I think I've made at least one day at the PH tourney since I came back to P.B. in '87. Dang I must be gettin old. :p
That gets me closer but I ain't there yet. I do know I've seen a lot of basketball in the MAAA over the years, when I lived in Bonne Terre years ago and even more since I've been back in P.B. I sure did like it when we got 67 4-lanes all the way through, makes that trip so much better. I think I've made at least one day at the PH tourney since I came back to P.B. in '87. Dang I must be gettin old. :p

We were the only team to beat park hills central the year they won state

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