The poor are getting richer at an unparalleled rate compared to human history. Socialists are dumb. They seem to think all hierarchies of inequality are tyrannical. This can be a deadly flaw.
How long until AOC buys in on DC type estate? 5 years KAGIf you have $10 in your hand and no debt, you're in the top 25% of wealthiest people.
Your party can't fix it. They don't understand economics.I assume you were in a coma in 2008. Let me fill you in. The poor and lower middle class took a huge loss to their wealth. Still hasn’t been recovered. The banks were bailed out, no one went to prison despite massive fraud.
We currently have inequality levels previously reached in 1911.
we aren’t discussing the top 25%. Your reading skills need serious work.
Keyboard Warrior. LolI thought it would help with your reading issues stuttering Joe.
I thought it would help with your reading issues stuttering Joe.
The bottom 10 percent of income earners in the most capitalist countries make, on average, 7 times more than the poorest 10 percent in the least free economies.Victory is sweet
Similarly, more than 27 percent of people in the most socialist economies live in extreme poverty (as defined by the World Bank as an income of less than $1.90 a day), whereas just 1.8 percent of people in freest economies live in extreme poverty – a figure that is still too high (the optimal number is zero), but vastly better than the level that persists in the least free countries.Victory is sweet
we aren’t discussing the top 25%. Your reading skills need serious work.
Economic measures aside, people living in the most capitalist countries also live on average 14 years longer, have an infant mortality rate 6 times lower, enjoy greater political and civil liberties, gender equality, and to the extent you can measure such things, greater happiness too – when compared to the least capitalist economies.I assume you were in a coma in 2008. Let me fill you in. The poor and lower middle class took a huge loss to their wealth. Still hasn’t been recovered. The banks were bailed out, no one went to prison despite massive fraud.
We currently have inequality levels previously reached in 1911.
They find that the poverty rate fell from 13.0 percent in 1980 to 2.8 percent in 2018.well you know how we’ll trickle down works because it trickles down your leg. Give me a ring when Trump matches Clinton’s surplus.
If you want more data to back up the fact the Democrat party is FOS. I will glad to post it. It's hard to keep up, they lie so much.well you know how we’ll trickle down works because it trickles down your leg. Give me a ring when Trump matches Clinton’s surplus.
Articles like this only look at data from the top percent of the richest. Those who invest in foreign markets, entrepreneurs, real estate or in this case new billionaires. I guess new rich people are a bad thing?I knew the poor were doing real well in this economy but I guess even the rich are doing better.
Do you ever look for statistics that show upward mobility? News flash, people that were poor 10-20 years ago are now richer. If the rich get richer it is going to look like this is true, but it's not true if they are not the same people.well you know how we’ll trickle down works because it trickles down your leg. Give me a ring when Trump matches Clinton’s surplus.
There is plenty of room for improvement. Things are far from perfect. Your party is not good at problem-solving. The dumb people have taken over.If you would admit that our health care is ridiculously expensive compared to the rest of the world and would conclude we need a public option or strict industry price controls then your posts might be worth reading. If you would cite how many people have filed for bankruptcy in the past 20 years due to medical bills then the rest of your statistics might be worthy of attention. But instead you will post some BS right wing lie that makes it look like everything is fine and dandy.
First, the problem-solvers must look at why health care costs have skyrocketed. Do they know the answer? They find scapegoats but that doesn't answer why? Historically, and in similar sectors, we have developed the efficiency of labor to lower costs. Medical AI is a promising possibility. It costs more to hire Drs. Nurses, Teachers and Education for them, and labor-intensive fields are difficult to regulate. More online Medical programs. Who wants to be a Dr. if the wages are low? So the costs rise. Efficiency is the key. A software engineer can do as well.If you would admit that our health care is ridiculously expensive compared to the rest of the world and would conclude we need a public option or strict industry price controls then your posts might be worth reading. If you would cite how many people have filed for bankruptcy in the past 20 years due to medical bills then the rest of your statistics might be worthy of attention. But instead you will post some BS right wing lie that makes it look like everything is fine and dandy.