
The glass-steagall act's effect on the recession is way overstated. Go read what Alan greenspan's thought on G-S. What I think is more important is requiring the banks to keep a certain amount of real capital.
Wall St. has Hillary in their pocket. The Clintons are not who you think they are.
Wall St. has Hillary in their pocket. The Clintons are not who you think they are.
Wall Street funds every legit candidate. The clintons are no different except that Hillary would be a competent president.
The glass-steagall act's effect on the recession is way overstated. Go read what Alan greenspan's thought on G-S. What I think is more important is requiring the banks to keep a certain amount of real capital.
I generally agree with this
We allowed/encouraged banks to take risks that caused turmoil and rocked confidence in our economic system to its core. Severely inflated home values plummeted. I'm not sure what the hell you boys are thinking.
We allowed/encouraged banks to take risks that caused turmoil and rocked confidence in our economic system to its core. Severely inflated home values plummeted. I'm not sure what the hell you boys are thinking.
But all of the banks had enough assets to cover their debts. They just didn't have it readily available.
The S&Ls didn't.

AIG didn't.

There are a few others.
That's true. However, had there been capital requirements, AIG and Lehman could have avoided bankruptcy.

Edit: sort of true. AIG had enough assets, but could not recover them in time to pay their debts.
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That's not true. Banks have never had a liquidity requirement. 20% would be a reasonable requirement.

Correct. I didn't express myself properly.
Did our government pretty much encourage lenders to loan to some folks who shouldn't have qualified? Yes.
Did banks and others package those loans into risky investment instruments? Yes.
Did the whole thing blow up in our faces? Yes
Did it rock the stock market? Hell yes.
Did it shake confidence in our economy and government? Well hell yes.
Did it leave millions under water on their homes? Yes.
Did it paralyze many into not being able to move? Yes
How the hell you can say DE-regulation's effect on the 2008 recession was over-rated is beyond me.
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Correct. I didn't express myself properly.
Did our government pretty much encourage lenders to loan to some folks who shouldn't have qualified? Yes.
Did banks and others package those loans into risky investment instruments? Yes.
Did the whole thing blow up in our faces? Yes
Did it rock the stock market? Hell yes.
Did it shake confidence in our economy and government? Well hell yes.
Did it leave millions under water on their homes? Yes.
Did it paralyze many into not being able to move? Yes
How the hell you can say DE-regulation's effect on the 2008 recession was over-rated is beyond me.
I'm not saying the laissez-faire attitude with which both the banks and the government handled the housing market isn't at least partially to blame. Your OP, though, mentions the glass-steagall act as a contributing factor in the recession. In my opinion, it had very little to do with the recession. That's my point.

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